Down the Rabbit Hole
Dorcas Tearza Meadows ProfileBirthdate: 1 May 1960
House: Gryffindor
Residence: Currently with her Mammy and Pap, her Da's parents, and her older twin brothers, while her parents were still in the pro leagues. It's a large stone farm house on the outskirts of Connacht. They started off a poor but very large Irish family, but with the careers of both her parents, the financial situation in their home (including the huts where her cousins live on property) is evening out.
Classes: 7th Year Classes- Charms (OWL=O), DADA (OWL=E), Potions (OWL=A), Transfiguration (OWL=E), CoMC (OWL=O), Ancient Runes (OWL=A)
Dropped Classes- Astronomy (OWL=P), Herbology (OWL=E),
Appearance: Tomboy is probably an understatement here. Dorcas hasn't worn or owned a dress since she was three. She very likely never will if it isn't Order related. She dresses mostly for comfort: muggle sweatpants, windbreakers (tear-aways), or shorts. Despite detentions, she's always worn tennies (unless she's on the field and needs cleets). Only tennies. So much so that eventually the professors gave up fighting her on it. And if she can get away with it, she wears just a sports bra, if not it's tanktops or tshirts.
Her hair was kept in a single long braid or a ponytail until the middle of fourth year. One day after Quidditch practice Sirius said she would look like a pretty girl if she ever left it down. Dor whipped out her wand right then and there, chopped it off, and threw it at him. Now the length fluctuates but rarely gets longer than her jawline and never longer than her shoulders. It's never brushed, but she's picky about hygiene so it's always washed. Her face is always clean and also clear since she has never worn make-up in her life. And, of course, her complexion is a nice even tan since she's always outside. However, she's often covered in cuts and bruises.
History: Dorcas was born the 3rd child to a fullblood professional Quidditch player and a muggle professional football player. Brighton Meadows met Ceara Devon the year that each was drafted. A muggleborn teammate from the Kenmare Kestrals (who Brighton was drafted as 1st string keeper for) took Brighton to a professional woman's football game. The moment he saw Ceara, he knew he had to have her. It only took a few months of chasing and then nine months later Andre and Andrew Meadows came screaming into Ireland. And despite their hectic game schedules, Brighton and Ceara married before the boys were born and barely a year after that, Dorcas Tearza Meadows entered the world.
Dorcas, Dre & Drew were raised by Brighton's parents. He and Ceara traveled a lot with their respective careers and her parents still don't know he or the children are wizards. Mammy was a pureblood and Paps is muggleborn, but neither tried to turn Dor into a proper young lady. And she was anything but. She learned at an early age how to kick her brother's arses. Until they got their first brooms, the three of them were avid football players. Dor and her brothers played in kiddie leagues, both football and quidditch, until they got to Hogwarts. And on more than one occasion their Irish tempers got them kicked out. Especially Dor's. Mostly because she hated being called a girl.
That attitude stuck with her in Hogwarts. She got onto the quidditch team her first year with little trouble and a few threats (her brothers didn't make it until the following year). But Dor realized early on that the boys of her year (MWPP) had their own little club, No Girls Allowed! So she befriended, begrudgingly, Lily Evans, who seemed to be a way into MWPP's little circle. And though she and Lily got friendly, Quidditch turned out to be an easier way to get the attention of the boys. Dor remained mostly a loner, though. She never talked to girls willingly, except Lily. And her only close friends were her brothers and Sirius. Though she ended up taking a slightly protective stance on Remus and Peter as the years went on.
Dor also began to develop feelings for Siri, though she'd never admit it. Relationships are too girly for her. The way things work with her and Siri usually involves a hell of a lot of violence. They take out their anger on each other, fighting in the all out fist fight, kick the hell out of each other, fight club everyone walks away bloody kind of fights. And that calms her anger and relieves sexual tension for the most part. But there really hasn't been much time for that lately.
Dor is set to be drafted second string chaser for the Kenmare Kestrals (her brothers are 2nd string beaters) and already being looked at for the Irish Nationals, directly out of school. Quidditch is her life. When she has time apart from that, she likes to mess with cars & motorbikes (mostly foreign made) in an old barn at home. Other than that, she's just trying to get through the last year she is forced into school and away from the war. Her Mum's a muggle and she loves football, so it's only natural she's against Voldemort. She's violent, forward, and impulsive. Not the best materials to save the world, but she plans on at least trying to join the fight as soon as she can.
Personality: Dorcas is more a tomboy than anything. She plays in the mud. She ignores her feelings. She acts without thinking. Her idea of dealing with things is to start a brawl and bloody herself up. Nothing is a big deal when your mouth is full of blood, you're so sore you can't move, and the other guy is worse off. And don't dare call her a girl. Nothing will get you hit faster. Dor is impulsive above all else. She jumps blindly both feet into things. She's often told that one day it'll get her killed. But Dorcas is also very loyal and very strongly believes in equality. Mostly because she was raised with a women's lib perspective (thanks to a pro-sports mum) and now applies it to equality between bloods.
Modesty has never been a trait of Dor's. She'll change in the boys' locker room with out flinching. She's mostly flat chested and figures they aren't attracted to her anyway. And she swears she couldn't care less. Dor has never dated and doesn't plan to. If by chance she meets a guy who understands her and finds her attractive too, she'll consider it. But until then the first bloke that watches her change in the locker room gets his ass kicked... and she'll probably do it naked without a single thought. She doesn't hesitate to negotiate with her fists, but never holds her tongue either. She's got the only record not held by a Slytherin for most fouls in Hogwarts Quidditch and a verbal assault record to match in Filch's cabinet.
Dor's main strength is her fierce Gryffindor loyalty. And of course her sense of true justice and equality. Were she not so hot tempered and impulsive her ideals would have put her in Hufflepuff. But Dor has a mean right hook and the right attitude to freely use it. Her temper is her second biggest weakness or flaw. First and foremost, Dorcas' pride is her worst downfall. She's happy with herself the way she is and gets highly offended when other people aren't. Few things set her temper off quicker than a shot to her pride.