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User:doodles (11006)
where the sunbeams end and starlight begins
Name:butterflies and hurricanes
Website:extended info

the stars, the moon: they have all been blown out
Interests:1: everything
People29:aerith, akuma, azure_skies, babylon, bulletproof, curiousvenus, doodles, dosomethingsexy, eevee, firaga, fye, hammerofjustice, hell_kaiser, jade_priestess, kiokushitaka, kiryuu, kisaragi, kitty, kogarasumaru, lunareuphoria, necromantic, ruka, sehnsucht, sen, tenjou, theloveletter, unicorn, villetta, wolf
Communities10:10variations, chizuru, fandomtracks, fireflies, halure, horizons, inkpen, joshua_beam, savinme, thissideup
Mutual Friends:28: aerith, akuma, azure_skies, babylon, bulletproof, curiousvenus, doodles, dosomethingsexy, eevee, firaga, hammerofjustice, hell_kaiser, jade_priestess, kiokushitaka, kiryuu, kisaragi, kitty, kogarasumaru, lunareuphoria, necromantic, ruka, sehnsucht, sen, tenjou, theloveletter, unicorn, villetta, wolf
Account type:Early Adopter

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