where the sunbeams end and starlight begins [entries|friends|calendar]
butterflies and hurricanes

in rolling reams across a screen.
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under lock and key. [Jan 9th, 7:04pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | half the fun | snow patrol ]


barely on scribbld. no point in adding.

stuff; )

extended info. [Feb 2nd, 9:10pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | savior | 30 seconds to mars ]

extended info )

we'll divide up all the lies. [Oct 19th, 9:07pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | novacaine | bon jovi ]

why they remind you of me:

It doesn't have to be characters I like or even know. Go crazy. Be honest. I'm curious. Public so you can go anon, if that makes you more comfortable.

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