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Dolemeck Night's Profile [31 Jan 2013|12:59pm]

NextGen Application (Canon and OC)

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: DolemeckNight
AIM (if you have one): DeadlyGambit2
Character Name: Dolemeck Night
Character LJ (if applicable): Dolemecknight
Physical description (face, build, weight): Dolemeck stands at 6' 2"and weighs 180 pounds. He's a lean muscular body-type, his skin is rather pale looking,he has long black hair that ends at the small of his back, and he has strking jade green eyes.
Age:One hundred and fifty years old (That is how long he has had his soul)
Birthday: Dolemeck considers his "birthday" the day Venus gave him a soul. That would be March 3rd.
PB: (If using one.) None at the moment
Abilities: Dolemeck has the ability to "shadow travel" which allows him to travel through the world's shadows from one place to another. He is capible of just hiding in the shadows should he choose to do so, without being detected. he is also capible of dragging enemies into the same shadows, only when he does such a thing, they wind up in limbo, while he remains in what is deemed the "shadow world".
Weaknesses and flaws: Dolemeck is frightened of letting himself go. He's scared that he may give into his true demonic nature and hurting the world he has come to cherish and enjoy. To try and prevent this from happening, he rarely speaks with the opposite sex, does not drink, does not do drugs, or take part in anything considered a major "sin".
Character location/Home: Manhattan, New York City
Alignment (villain, hero etc): A demon trying to be a hero if possible.
Relatives (living/dead?): He considers the Goddess Venus his "Mother". She gave him a soul, after-all!
Backstory: Dolemeck night was one of the many demons who wander about Limbo. An entity of chaos and destruction, Dolemeck Night escaped Limbo through a disturbance one hundred and fifty years ago (said to have been vaused by a sorcerer of some sort. That portal opened on Earth, allowing him to roam free and do as he wished. But while on Earth, Dolemeck became fasinated by the beauty of the beings there. He also became excited about the tall tales and books that humans used to share stories. Though being an escaped demon, he stuck out like a sore thumb, and the Goddess Venus came upon him first before any other hero of that time period. She was somewhat amazed at this little demon, and how he refrained from actually doing what was in his nature. She took Dolemeck Night under her wing, and granted him a soul, as well as a human form to house it. He was created to look incredibly handsome (as Venus was the goddess of Beauty and loved all things beautiful and handsome), much to Dolemeck's shock. He did maintain some of his demonic powers, and could become a complete monster to the world if he gave into his true nature. Fearing this, the Goddess Venus needed someone to nurture Dolemeck and prevent him from becoming what he feared. In a strange twist of fate or an odd irony if you will, that task was given to an Agent of Atlas member named Venus. Due to the shock and surprise at having his own soul, Dolemeck was unable to see a difference between the two women named "Venus". He came to love the Agent of Atlas member Venus as his true "Mother". After many years under her guidance and care, Dolemeck was given an apartment of his own to live in, and the chance to find himself and his own place in the world he has come to love. He currently resides in Manhattan, New York City. While there, he plans to read as much as possible, and take in the arts of this city.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: I plan to introduce Dolemeck into this game as being spotted in a park in New York, reading a book.
What are you planning to do with this character? : I would like it if Dolemeck joined theThunder Bolts, to try and learn to be a hero, as well as share his vast knowledge with the heroes there.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: I wish Dolemeck to see that he is not a bad guy, to be comfortable with letting himself go just a little and learn to balance both the light and the dark in his life.
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