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dolemecknight ([info]dolemecknight) wrote,
@ 2013-09-05 00:05:00

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Current location:Seattle, Washington
Entry tags:bram harker, dolemeck

Pub Crawl
Dolemeck decided to take Bram up on his offer of a good old fashioned Pub Crawl. Well, old fashioned from Bram, as Dolemeck lived in a time when pubs and taverns did not really exist yet. Dressed in an outfit like the one he wore they first met in (White dress shirt, black vest, black dress slacks, and black leather dress shoes), Dolemeck waited form Bram outside of his new workplace, Starbucks. It was best that Bram pick him up, as he still did not know his way around the city, or which places were safe to go to, yet.

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-08 02:34 am UTC (link)
"It was definitely a good night," Bram says grinning from the memories.

"Well I don't really know much about relationships," Bram admits, "What happened last night it about all the experience I have. But I guess my best advice would be to go for it if you really want to find out."

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-08 02:51 am UTC (link)
"So, you only know...." He blinked. "Well, could be worse. Truth is, I was in love with someone I met for a short time. I just was never able to tell them, and now it's too late."

"This is an opportunity to try again, aye. But am I greedy for taking it, considering the lives we lead?" He placed his black thumbnail in his mouth as he thought. "I think that lady of yours left her mark on your neck, Bram... I believe it's called a hickie, aye? That or she wrote on you with lipstick."

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-08 03:22 am UTC (link)
"I believe the saying on that is Carpe diem," Bram says, "But you've got to do what you think is right for you."

"That's probably just a trick of the light," Bram explains. He wasn't exactly comfortable with that type of thing being done to him at all thanks to vampires. Usually played it off as a personality queer if asked when he made the girl stop.

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-08 03:35 am UTC (link)
"You mean "Seize the Day"? You speak truthfully as usual. I mean, you were honest about wishing to shoot me when we first met." Dolemeck looked back on that and laughed a little bit to himself. "Any man that admits he wants me dead, then becomes my friend is a friend worth having for life."

He gave a nod, believing that Bram could be right and it was a trick of the light.

"You said... you study the Supernatural, aye? Just like Tyler? Bram, I have a request to make of you, if possible." He gave a small grin. "Is it possible you can figure out what the bloody hell I am? I mean... I look human, but I hold demonic powers. And for some unknown reason, I cannot tan... so I am always this... errr... British pale. Hell, I do not even burn... and that is something I am told we Englishmen do well!"

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-08 03:46 am UTC (link)
Bram nodded. "Though that does not mean I'll hesitate to shoot you if I have too." It was one of the most important lessons his grandfather taught him. You don't let friends become monsters. That's why his grandpa killed his mom on her request.

"Aye. I do knowledge is the best weapon against the supernatural." He listened to what Dolemeck told him about his condition. "I'll see what I can find out about it though this kind of research takes time. Also demons are a big specialty of mine. I more just know enough to kill them."

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-08 04:05 am UTC (link)
"That will never happen." His tone came off as meek as his eyes soon looked at himself in the side view mirror. "I admit I am far from perfect, but I have no desire to hurt humanity, Bram. The only time I would do harm is if I see innocents injured or friends in trouble."

"But you are right. Anything can happen in this world. And if you do have to shoot me, please just make it quick and painless. I have suffered enough, more than any being should. Adding to that suffering does me no favors, and as my friend... I doubt you would want me to linger in pain if I had to die." This talk became grim, enough that he actually shook at the thought of losing himself to the point his friends would have to put him down like a beast. He shook his head, changing the subject.

"Whatever you need to study me, I will provide. And I can wait as long as I must for an answer. I do not know if there are other beings like me, or if I am just something unique to the demon world. Demons with souls are just... unheard of."

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-08 02:06 pm UTC (link)
"I've seen it happen before to people," Bram says grimly, "It's never easy but it needs to be done. For the memory of the person they were." It's what happened to Taj and it took a lot of work to take him down. Bram was kind of glad he hadn't been there to see that.

"I would need to do some research before I could tell you anything about that."

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-08 02:20 pm UTC (link)
"If there is anything I have, it's time." He continued to try and smile for Bram. "I will just keep myself busy with work. I did not realize being this... "barista" was so difficult. But I am managing well enough, though my manager has suggested I go get a haircut."

Well, he did have long, black hair that pretty much went to his waist. Come to think of it, Dolemeck had no memory of ever getting his hair cut!

"Umm... where does one go to get their hair cut? Or should I just take a pair of sheers and do it myself, Bram?"

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-08 03:02 pm UTC (link)
"Well there aren't many jobs that are exactly easy. Part of the reason why they call it work I suppose," Bram explains.

"I usually just find a local barber shop if I need my hair cut." Keeping your hair short was definitely an advange wen fighting monsters. One less thing they could try and grab hold of.

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-08 03:28 pm UTC (link)
"Bar-ber Shop?" He blinked a few times. "I will have to find one of these places and go as soon as possible."

Dolemeck placed his hands behind his head, his eyes looking out the window of the car as they drove. His eyes flashed red at one point, then went back to their unusual green.

"I am happy fate brought me here. You and Tyler have been most kind to me. And this place... there is so much to see and experience!" A smiled formed back on his lips. "If I went back to California, my adopted Mum would smother the hell out of me, and my Father would not let me go out unsupervised. I love them dearly, truly do. But they are so frightened something could happen to me. Not that I would become a monster or something, just that someone would hurt me or take advantage of me."

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-09 02:58 am UTC (link)
"I've never had that type of problem," Bram says, "They all wanted to make sure I was prepared as possible for all the things that go bump in the night. But the world it a big place any you should definitely check it all out."

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-09 03:05 am UTC (link)
"I am trying to. My adopted parents are just so fearful for me, which is funny. You would think they would be fearful OF me. But I apparently come off as too "nice" to be something that scares people in the night." He laughed again, sounding more like a younger man than something who has been around before Bram was even a cell. "You are fortunate your parents wished you to be able to stand on your own. I mean, I could long ago, but now... things are different. Everything I knew then is a tad bit worthless now. Though I would not have it any other way! I just enjoy being here, having good friends, and not being sent back to Limbo!"

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-10 11:55 pm UTC (link)
"I think legal guardians would be the more appropriate term. My mom was killed when I was really little. Grandpa wanted to make sure I was safe and could take care of myself when he was gone," Bram explains. "But I'm sure your folks had their reasons."

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-11 12:02 am UTC (link)
"Aye, I am sure they did." He wanted to explain more about them, but he couldn't. "I am sorry for your loss, Bram. I know what it is like to lose a Mum. My birth Mum died in a plague, drove my father to become a drunkard. He could not care for me, much less himself. So my brother Dayton found me work at the castle as a squire to Lord Gawain. Being a squire ensured I would have a roof over my head, food on my plate, and the ability to become a Knight later on."

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-11 12:28 am UTC (link)
"Don't worry about it. It was a long time ago and I never knew her," Bram says with a shrug. "But it sounds like you had a tougher time of it than me."

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-11 12:41 am UTC (link)
"I would not say it was tough. It hurt, but it was a normal way of life back then. Death was everywhere." He kept that smile on his face, more so for Bram than himself. "You just keep going, it's all you can do. You find happiness in the smallest of things, you cherish it, and you protect it. I, myself find happiness with new friends and protecting this world as best I can. Just as I did long ago."

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-11 01:09 am UTC (link)
"I know the feeling I've lost more than my fair share of family and friends over the year," Bram says solemnly, "Just have to make the best of the time you have."

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-11 02:47 am UTC (link)
"Well, just know you have a friend with this bloke right here!" He chuckled, point to himself with both of his pointer fingers. "And I do not plan to go anywhere anytime soon! After-all, not everyone gets a second chance at life!"

He continued to smile and be somewhat cheerful. "I just cannot walk about this city with a sword. It would look out of place, as I told Tyler. So I have some highland dirks I will be using against the supernatural that are bad in this city. After-all, I need to find the other two demons that tried to send me back to Limbo. I fear they may hurt others if they are not slain."

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-12 04:01 pm UTC (link)
Bram nodded. Most people didn't plan on leaving when they did. Not that there was much you could do about it.

"I don't go anywhere without a couple of weapons on me," Bram says, "The trunk of the car is set up as an armory too. But yeah demons are best gotten rid of as fast as possible."

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-12 05:22 pm UTC (link)
"Some demons, not all." There was a slight grin on his face. "But aye, I will try and find those buggers as quickly as possible. If they wish to drag me back to Limbo, they may try to do something to force me out. Or, God forbid, they may try to get other super natural beings to help aid them in exchange for their loyalty."

"Hey, Bram?" Dolemeck sat up in his seat, back straight. He continued to look jovial and smile. "Thank you."

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-13 05:29 pm UTC (link)
"They'll show themselves eventually. They always do if they have an axe to grind. Just try and prepare for everything and keep an eye out."

"For what," He asks a little confused.

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-13 06:39 pm UTC (link)
"For not "putting a cap in my arse" when we first met, becoming my friend, for taking me out to the pub last eve, and for bringing me back home." He nodded his head. "Should I not thank you for these things? Because I think they are deserving of thanks."

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-13 06:57 pm UTC (link)
Bram shrugged. "I don't like to take serious action like that till I know all the fact," He says as he pulls up to Tyler's building.

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-13 07:27 pm UTC (link)
"Ah, we are here!" he smiled as they pulled up to the apartment building. He quickly unbuckled himself from his seat, and then reached into his wallet to give Bram money for the gas he had to use to drive him there. It was more than Bram needed, which was proof Dolemeck was still somewhat clueless about paper currency! "Again, thank you for taking me to the pub. I had a good time, and we should do it again! Oh! Please, take this to cover the gas you used up to drive me to the pub and back home. Have a safe trip home and I shall meet up with you again, soon!"

Dolemeck gave Bram a quick wave before getting out of the car, and then closing his eyes. He focused and just melted into the shadows by the apartment building. Dolemeck using his abilities so openly was just a second nature to him, but he may need a talking to about it.

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Re: The Very Next Day
2013-09-13 11:27 pm UTC (link)
"You really don't need to do that," Bram explain," I'm not exactly short on cash." He was rather wealthy after all.

After Dolemeck left he drove back home.

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