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discounthats ([info]discounthats) wrote,
@ 2012-09-13 09:27:00

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The town supplies water fluid matter anti ad banner project
  BE entrusted by state council, the National Development and Reform Commission dupl. allowed Du eagle to report the city township drinking water insurance operations condition to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress yesterday.

  Du Ying professes that the our country drinking water insurance in the town exists headwaters earth, the fluid matter condition allows of no water supply ability in the optimistic and parts of region scarcity, water supply fluid matter anti ad banner subject overhang, the dispensation machining treat sound, law statue and the kit policy Ji beard integrity etc. subject.

  The Du eagle recommends, the public water supply plant of above 95% in the whole country promulgates previous constructive in oakley sunglasses discount the drinking water sanitation new standard, and headwaters fluid matter and handle craft of these water plants are all hard to guarantee water to hit a new standard request;Currently there are more than moiety water supplies in the town in whole country flask the toil leakage is over-standard, year ullage water measures up to 6,000,000,000 steres and result in at the same time the fluid matter is in the process of transporting slump;Regard the roof water tank and the underground pond as principle of two water supply facility in the town manage anti good enough, parts of facility incapabilities just in time purgation disinfect, result in fluid matter past muster rate reduced price.

  Drinking Anne protects to investigate index numbers of quantum, imports or exports state

  Du Ying professes that the drinking water insurance operations wants to bring into local government evaluation of one's performance system, the stringency practices accountability system."25" times will build up to supply water water price to form with the integrity town according to basic and public service character with adjust machining, strengthen cost Jian to review, actively promote water price adjustment cost public system, vs water price anti good enough subject, people's state in the province can join the local physical truth undertake bounty, ensuring to supply water craft can persist a shape.

  Du Ying professes that people's state in the province is the responsibility principal that the city township supplies water insurance, work drinking water insurance to object and oakley sunglasses cheap measure to bring into local sector national economy and community to evolve a scheme, be included in important agenda, and bring into local government evaluation of one's performance system, the stringency implementation accountability system.

  At the same time, Du eagle said, the department concerned wants to strengthen the guide and supervisor to supply water the safe operations to city township and build up the periodical irregular dates consults system, the outstanding problem aiming at current subsisting impact drinking water safety, the search proposes terms of settlement.

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