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discounthats ([info]discounthats) wrote,
@ 2012-05-09 11:26:00

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The building price soars
 Its principle BE, the building price soars, the bank risk is to soar with building price together enlargement;But recall currency, express bank the risk continuously is lowering.This be why silver Jian why will say, the bank can bear the main financial principle that the building price descends 50% pressures.The system of the bank is stable, the currency value starts to be stable, merchandise price will regression.Logical BE, building price not decline inflation is not likely to be suppressed.
The third economy starts regression normal.When building price soared, farmer not matter agriculture mulberry, worker not matter production, everyone sat to wait house NBA fitted hats property appreciation, Qian Yi Duo immigrates and directly causes industry's collapsing, production empty turn, farm land shabby.Who still create wealth?Didn't produce and consume, we use what start to prop up a thus huge economy?In the future we again how throw in the competition of global economy?
The fourth corruption phenomenon is suppressed.The building City in China basically isn't a market, Ping Lun Xi Tong Hua De is called pimple, lead for a while and then will be good.But, I think that Chinese real estate is a to be full of depredation, monopoly, cheat and exorbitant profits and violence of five poisonous complete patients, can not save to cure, the only way, be next adjust building price, let the whole foams fall through by oneself, regression normal.The building price only has with residents the income level is mutually balanced, Buy Chicago White Sox New Era Hat a city vigorous symbol.Now, a lot of mayors are frequently up to 100 residences, till the time that should vomit, the corrupt official a per's descending in fronts in the building price will reveal in material body.
Fall 1:00, is have no useful, China also from now on miss the historic opportunity of the economy of development.Prospect future, when the population structure produces result, the residence will depreciate over a long period of time.Future decade, China can start inside need test of is race intelligence, but need inside the start of square one is the people live to go to the food and clothing of without the sorrow, just dare bold consumption to promote production.Peaceful times or not, be decided by if the building price descends 50%.

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