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discounthats ([info]discounthats) wrote,
@ 2012-04-27 10:16:00

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Strict meaning of Chinese the modern university
 The Chin Hua university precursor is study in U.S. to prepare a school, the Chin Hua university starts establishing an university department and formally calls national Chin Hua university in 1928 in 1925.An university of nation is to isn't a modern university, have some basic conditions.These conditions about include so what time:The first is a comprehensive university;The second is a coeducational university;The third has to have strict lesson to fasten to establish to make, is a hospital to fasten system;The fourth a little bit Florida Marlins Hats perfectly selected elective courses system.The fifth has periodically academic work and periodically academic periodical publication;The sixth contains more universal athletics activity.This is the basic hardware.Moreover still need to include so severals:The first and student is as higher as the professor's autonomy degree, the second and professor's curing schools is as more flourishing as students' organization.The third, the political party activity doesn't get into campus.
The modern university system is from 11th century origins, the big body models and comes to a more perfect degree in 16th century, is basically turned into by church to come over in 13th century, inevitable outcome is science tradition at that time and developed to equal extent, because the new information knew a system demand to lately teach the system of knowledge.The university is also the social outcome of modern citizen, its autonomy degree has to be high, and this is the independent university meaning.The southwest consociation university appears of background, the big body depends on those three kinds of cultural systems that I just spoke, those three kinds of systems are finally canned fall the solid place is affirmative is under the certain political system, 1949 year ago China basic political include in the system of progress the factor probably still keep having to be a little higher, this is me of a basic evaluation.Southwest's uniting university is in a temporary university appearing under the ages background like this.
Southwest consociation the university build up of premise, because of the war against Japan in 1937.Before fighting the invading army an explosion, Chinese government has already worked well to fight the invading army of preparation.Speaking from Jiang Jie Shi's angle, he to the judgment that the medium day relates to BE:Win an of day to necessarily there is one war, but the war more and late breaks out more good to China.So, Gucci Sunglasses Sale hoped at that time that winning the of day standpoint that passed diplomacy outlet to defer a Sino-Japanese Waring explosion is also very popular, in the knowledge field, this judged mainly with beard proper, Chen Yin Ke, Wu Mi etc. is representative.They once were subjected to medium west both sides education, relatively have the world the taste, they to medium day two countries in the future relate to of basic judgment influence government.They think that China can not easily open hostilities don't go because of Chinese national strength, the national defense strength is weaker, China hasn't built up modern navy at that time, modern of air force, so not the ability heel Japanese hurriedly open hostilities, hurriedly open hostilities affirmative to Chinese disadvantage, but Chinese government fights the invading army of the decision still keeps having already descended.Two years before fighting the invading army, the Chin Hua university carried the main book, main instrument secret to long sand in Hunan, before fighting the invading army already at long sand south the Yue found a school.

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