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The purpose of methodology reform [11 May 2012|02:23pm]
 Finish talking the methodology of reform, we discuss it later the reform of some methodologies.In the methodology should the current theory research is also a counterplan research.This because, our directions want with the study draw lessons from norm and theory of the west for premise, should also well understand at the same time a Chinese actual circumstance, can solve physically a medium problem, the height values methodology.
  The reform of the methodology not only needs to know to attain the other shore to once want river, more important want to know if lead river, is to take bridge or polarized sunglasses once take boat river, if take bridge, the shape, material of that this bridge, and it the acceptance dint may be what we should even close.
  In addition, teaching as the industry and business management college of an university should highly value the teaching that all reads than this to the function price.Namely lead river is not ability at any cost, don't account cost.For example:The beginning of reform, matter much money is little, over the river, can first is a pontoon bridge, there was real strenght is a cement bridge again, the end probably still needs to set up a steel big bridge.This is China to reform and Russia reform of dissimilarity, what Russia adopts would set up steel big bridge in the beginning, but didn't consider that the function price compares.This is the reform problem concerning methodology that I want to talk.The cent of the ownership of a share places be so, reform the development stage of Chinese stock market according to China to solve, certainly at we concrete methodology of still need to slice to hate to shine on to move to shine on to copy in the reform.
  'Shine on to move to shine on to copy'is the biggest threat
  With the company manage for example, the south Gucci Aviator Sunglasses opens university companies to manage the research center is from 2002 start making the topic of
the listed company manages structure , and twice go to the expert whom Peking convenes a topic to authenticate meeting, I all twice took part in.For the first time authenticate me am affirmative, the direction is very correct, but second time my speech put forward a great modification opinion.
see more:Do in fact and like this the price

Person originally the doctrine economics
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