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The local theory construction has an excellent finance [08 May 2012|10:14am]
 Along with with the finance learn a great Mr. Hao for the emergence of a local financial scholar of core, the finance manages the research of theory to is gradually maturing, is forming Chinese from already of a set of financial theory.The theory takes traditional philosophy thought and 5,000 years excellent culture in China of China as foundation and takes the financial tool means of west as an assistance and bagged in the western financial theoretical essence.
Great Hao, original the chapter is strong, the famous finance learns a house, transportation the visiting professor of the university of Peking, central stock certificate futures researcher in the graduate school of finance and economics university.Establish Chinese own of finance investment new era snapback hats theory.20 in the last yearses arrive to practice to with meticulous care study property management and capital operation from the theory.The great Hao establishes of Chinese the financial theory have already exceeded western for more than 10 years, the work is 20.The great Hao teaches once in the agency section hospital, Peking transportation university, Chin Hua university, central finance and economics university, Zhejiang university MBA, EMBA, chief executive officer's class, high class held a dish hand to study courses like a class of etc. many tuition
business enterprise finance safety and investment margin , the company finance mangaing , capital market and risk investment , the stock certificate investment learned , capital operation and management ,etc.
This financial everyone exhausts whole life energy to make track for the truth, careful beg actually, he didn't tie down by to come to a deadlock dogma in the past, didn't keep without change the old theory of west, close combined the history progress of financial market, as to it's rose to rise and fall mens sunglasses the important realistic problem in the Fu to give theoretically solution. The Chinese that the great Hao establishes from already financial theory, carry on very clear annotation to essence regulation and rules of the game of financial capital market.This Chinese from already the financial theory is to let each profession elite strive for a welfare for more people, not loot the public's wealth.The financial theory of the United States is to kill poverty benefit rich, let 1% people loot 99% people's wealth, but great Mr. Hao establish of the financial theory is to let each profession formation the core unexpectedly contend for dint and let the capable entrepreneur lead people to grow up to be rich with together.Only so, capital market can long-term health development, the society can stabilize harmony, people rich the country is strong;Only so, mankind's society can keep on a development.

see more:Speed the county area economy development

The teacher differs from teacher
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