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When the Europe and America visit [26 Apr 2012|01:37pm]
 When the Europe and America visit, the slightest have never felt a worker eldest brother elder brother and the professor of the university have much difference, their wages margins are very small.A truck driver as usual can get hold of the wages of USD 100,000 of annual salary, income slightest unlike wages of university professor of the Zheng is low.Because'going is a ', more because they cultivate Buy Baltimore Orioles New Era Hat development of'double dollar'or be called'double track'make. The child of Germany will study various technique course from the primary school beginning, after waiting until primary school graduation, everyone according to own interest different, can be divided into two major types, 1 type such as our similar, belong to'knowledge education', mainly is to study cultural course, sit in Gao Kao, get into an academic type university advanced study;Moreover 1 type gets into a technique advanced study in the type school, belong to'technique education', mainly study various technique, Gao Kao also mainly gets into an excellent technique type of Gao Deng college advanced study.These two tracks build to respectively circulate and all have oneself special place and learn a technical person the slightest didn't feel his/her own low person one etc., get into an academic type person with academic university also didn't feel he or she, Gao Ren Yi, etc..The manufacturing industry of Germany is very and flourishing, to some extent that have very great relation with this cultivating of the double dollar system system.
In fact currently our country the technique talented person Be strange to lack, the wages of the technique graduate student is also very high, an excellent cook or barber, should be Gao the Zheng wages income stratum.If in the education system of village, these kids could get some trainings of techniques Dior Sunglasses AAA since the childhood and took part in a technique can study more professional technique level after testing Gao, I thought these village kids to enter university again study to arrive more professional technique further, it worked the technical ability would consumedly raise, more more fundamental, the talented person like this was society to need most of talented person, is also contribute the development mode of the biggest talented person to the society.

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