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The southern section is big of where is the exit [11 Apr 2012|02:20pm]
 If someone does a survey:Is dry in China what the most difficult?Options affirmation of coming out in front is to do an university.Do university absolutely in China than ascend heaven still difficult, don't say private small common people, is Wei city hall in Shenzhen City that is officer's house like incapable is dint.The most persuasive clear certificate is the difficulties that the southern science and technology university raises to set up process.
In 2007, decision in Shenzhen City wants to establish the science and technology university of a high level new mechanism and adapts to an economic society development in Shenzhen's strong need for higher education, and support southern science and technology university's becoming higher Authentic Christian Dior Sunglasses education system mechanism reform of'experiment farmland'.However, prepare to host for more than 3 years, still don't acquire Ministry of Education up to now'solicit students a permit'.
This year, the southern science and technology university solicits students qualifications to again steep soup.Recently, the Ministry of Education announced to have the list that common Gao Deng educational background education solicited students a qualifications high school in 2011, the always highly anticipated southern science and technology university(Shenzhen) didn't have a row among them.Lately announce in the Ministry of Education of have to solicit students list in the qualifications high school in 2011, from the beginning established the highly anticipated southern science and technology university not yet appear this year at' the brilliant strategy qualifications the list', therefore only avert from Gao Kao currently, pass independence to solicit students to select a student.The Ministry of Education relevant representative director said that not to don't have qualifications of solicit students in the high school of the row of list, if violate the rules to solicit students, the diploma nation of the student's student status recruited and issuing not to the acknowledgement.
Three years that the south section greatly raises to set up, can be treated as the Ke Ke Ban Ban.The biggest obstacle not speech from clear, this is the education administration supervisor's section-Ministry of Education of China.So, under the circumstance that persons, such as expensive Ren and vice minister Lu Xin...etc. of minister of education Yuan all mean that supporting a southern section is big' does China to establish top-grade university in the world of experiment', Ministry of Education why always slowly not to examine and approve?
This must the section great reform direction look for answer from the south.Zhu Qing president just on taking a post, he put forward'turned to the administration', 'the Buy Utah Jazz hats professor cured school'etc. principle.At Zhu Qing in the eye, 'the administration turn'is the serious corrupt practice of Chinese higher education.For the sake of'go to administration and turn', he decides to make use of special area legislative
power, with the modern university management way of thinking, draw up southern science and technology university regulation , pursue studies school with'the professor cure school'operation protect to drive to escort.Is concrete but speech, the regulation lieutenant general designs council, academic and organizations, such as education board, school administration committee and adviser committee...etc., explicit government, school, society, student, administration, academic power boundary.

see more:The high investment high growth mode in Chongqing
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