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discounthats ([info]discounthats) wrote,
@ 2012-11-14 10:26:00

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China halts Thai bore to respect general consulate
 China to halt Thai bore respect the general consulate hold to open a building rites on the 23th, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs vice minister, Xie Hang Sheng, Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs pair vice-minister Na tower force, China halt Thai ambassador to take care of wood, bore respect the mansion mansion Yin praise Sa etc. is general consulate Jie card, the Tai China the public overseas Chinese's Chinese people represent an attendance rites of more than 600 persons.

  Thank Hang to living to say in the middle of addressing, China halts bore to respect establishing of general consulate to push friendly exchanges and cooperation from the same each mansion of the northeast in Thailand in China further, for medium the Tai relate to infuse into discount Ray ban jackie ohh new vitality.General consulate will definitely for get area inside the country's citizen and Thai the public friendses provide high-quality convenient service, for promote two country people's mutual association, communication and comity to spare no effort with all strength.

  The Na tower force halts bore to respect opening of general consulate to China building to mean a congratulation.He says that this well embodied the Mainland relates to to the Tai in the development of value, embodied the farseeing of the Mainland, the Tai square wished to develop a work to provide aggressive help for general consulate.

  China halts bore to respect a head term consul-general Xie Fu Gen say, the general consulate will make greatest efforts to provide a superior quality to serve for Chinese citizen who gets inside the area and Thai friend and hold hands with close northeastern the public Carolina Panthers Wholesale friend, for help both parties' friendly exchanges and practicality to cooperate to develop positive effect.

  This is after the north Chiang Mai, southern Sung card, China the third general consulate for setting up in Thailand.The general consulate gets area to include 20 mansions, area and population in the northeast of Thailand to have around whole Thai 1/3.Bore's respecting is financial the northeast of Thailand industry and business, culture education and transportation center and develop a potential huge, communicate to cooperate with China in the realms such as economic trade, education and cultural etc. to increase day by day.see more:http://lover123.createblog.com/blog/entry.php?id=420333


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