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discounthats ([info]discounthats) wrote,
@ 2012-11-07 14:43:00

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Han Lyu Ju signs everywhere agreement to help Chinese
 On that day, tour in Korea develops department room in overseas market in the bureau long however Zhu and the area government in Seoul plan the department of finance bureau chief Anne's sea seven, Chinese silver allied Korea representative representative the prosperous near spring, B C Ka company become number of a seller development department room long Li Ting Hao is an everyone to represent attend sign a rites.The everyone said that tisa hats wholesale passing to sign the agreement from now on will be drawing on latent Chinese visitor to visit and increase Chinese visitor number to build up a good cooperative relation.

  Moreover, as one of the everywhere important cooperation items, large shopping celebration ceremony activity"walk hey! Korea! Go! Buy!"Already in the Chinese great occasion of nation stanza period is in the clear hole a take to draw back a purdah.The activity starts only short more than 10 skieses, among Chinese visitor aroused warm echo, up to currently, taking part in Chinese visitor of activity has already had 10,887 people.

  The activity is online and line the bottom carry on at the same time.Chinese visitor participates in to draw prizes an activity after using the allied card of silver the consumption full 100,000 the dollar(match about CNY 560 dollars) can arrive a movable exhibition the set display receipt, or, can also clap the receipt that September 27 consume for 27 daytimes to December down and upload to personal SNS to come up participation to draw prizes.

  Currently, list time consumption amount of money as tallest as 40,000,000 the consumption receipt of the dollar has more than 10 pieces every day on the average, the strong consuming power of wholesale F1 snapback Chinese visitor is showed from this one spot.

  Everywhere the agreement after signing the rites be over held on the scene"walk hey! Korea! Go! Buy!"The activity one who gets prize draws prizes a rites, the everyone represents to select respectively four good lucks to get a prize, and getting the prize will acquire Korean double of person's round tickets and five-star accommodation coupon in the hotel.see more:http://terminalcables2.unrestrictedminds.com/2012/11/06/the-funds-noodles-loosens-to-urge-the-bond-market/


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