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Tobi ([info]discounted) wrote,
@ 2009-05-31 15:31:00

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Name: Didgey
Age: 20
Personal Journal: [info]tobi
Contact Information:
AIM: feed the lemur
Email: goodboytobi@live.com
Other: NO.

Past RP Experience: I live here. :|

Character: Tobi
Age: 16
PB: Koike Teppei ( link )
Master: Deidara
Purchased When: Just recently!

Relationship With Master: To understand how Tobi views Deidara, first it's important to know where he came from. During the basic pet training, Tobi showed a great interest and skill in the areas of cooking. Which was his major selling point (aside from his adorable face) and ensured that as soon as he was old enough to sell off and his full training was complete, he'd be sold almost immediately. Instantly, Tobi grew attached to his master because, well... that's what he was sure he was supposed to do. He was put to work cooking and serving food to the man, who hosted frequent dinner parties for the socially elite. Tobi liked the praise he would get from people, and was happy for his first year there.

But once growing pains set in, and his body started to mature, he grew awkward in his movements, and his natural clumsiness started to show through. He'd never really been quick on his feet, but after that first growth spurt, he could barely balance anything for too long. And it was during one instance that he ended up spilling drinks on his master's important guests that Tobi felt punishment for the first time.

He always knew about the collar, and what it would do if he messed up, but having never experienced it before, he didn't know what to expect. And not to say it traumatized him, because trauma would imply that he became impaired because of it. No, it only made him work harder. But as a consequence of the constant electric shocks for when he'd slip up, his movements became even more shaky, and his body lost stamina from being in pain most of the time. And when he'd slack off, he'd just get it again. And then it got to the point where he could barely perform his duties at all. That's when his master finally just got sick of him, and dropped him off at a local pound.

Because his card always stated he was clumsy and couldn't perform to the fullest, he was often overlooked by anybody who might have been looking for a cute, cheap pet. Pets were supposed to be elegant and pretty, raised to be useful. Nobody wanted a pet that might embarrass them by spilling a drink on a dinner guest. In less than a month, he was marked as useless merchandise, and set to be killed off to clear space.

But then that's where Deidara came in. Like a knight in shining armor. Or... you know, a bored and curious blond looking for a cheap pet to boss around. Somehow, Tobi was lucky enough to be purchased, two days before his set execution date. Which meant he was also dirt cheap. Which was probably what saved him.

The way Deidara treats Tobi isn't exactly nurturing, but he doesn't really beat him senselessly either. It's a nice mix of the two extremes. Because Tobi knows if he messes up again, he'll probably be sent back to the pound, he does every little thing Deidara asks of him, and he tries to do it as quickly and effectively as possible. Because of his fear of the shock collar, he sometimes works slower than he could because he's afraid of dropping something or being careless.

Despite their short time together so far, Deidara has already gotten annoyed with Tobi about this. But Tobi has thus far avoided any serious punishment, because he just apologizes and makes up for it by doing something else on Deidara's whim. Make him dance for a treat? He'll do it. Make him act like a dog and run in circles? He totally will. He'll basically do anything stupid for Deidara's amusement if told to do it, and he won't question it, especially not if it makes master happy. Since deep down, that's all he wants to do.

And you know, anything to avoid that electric shock.

Personality/Likes & Dislikes: Tobi's personality can best be described as impressionable. Which is good for a pet, it means he'll never second guess you and always defend everything you say. He doesn't know if what Deidara says is wrong or right, but Deidara is the master, so that means he's always right no matter what.

His other dominating personality trait is that he's not excessively... smart. As a pet, he was really kept sheltered from the outside world, and knows only what he was told from day one. He's basically been brainwashed perfectly, but not to perfection. Computer wise, he has very basic knowledge on how to use one (how to get online, browse websites) and is likely to mess something up unless you teach him. He knows basic math from working in a kitchen, and he knows how to take care of himself to look pretty for master.

But other than that, he's a blank slate that's easy to work with. He's a quick learner, and will usually pick up on whatever you're teaching him by the second time you explain it. He will likely come across as naive and stupid for the first few times you talk to him (because... he is.) but as he learns, he will get better and grow. It just depends on what it is Deidara decides to teach him.

As stated before, he really enjoys cooking. Since he really just wants to do anything to please his master, he's found that food is the best way to do it. Because who doesn't like sitting down to a delicious meal? There are a lot of recipes he's familiar with, since when he had to work to help cater his previous master's parties, he was always told to make gourmet recipes, and try all the new things that people would rave about from the gourmet restaurants. He's not a five-star chef, but he does know his way around a kitchen.

Aside from his obvious flaw of being clumsy on his feet, he also has a weakness for fun. When he learns, he tries to make a game out of it so he can remember it better. He still counts on his fingers, and invents rhymes to further keep information stored. He tends to keep this to himself, but if you watch him close enough, you'll notice it.

He's generally fairly happy as long as he's not under threat of death or punishment, and will genuinely work hard and care for his master. He doesn't even dislike his previous master for the shocking incidents, and instead blames himself for it and knows he needs to just work harder. He doesn't know how to hold a grudge and has never felt hatred for anything.

As for the lives of dirt-hairs outside of the pet trade, he's completely oblivious. He knows only what it's like to live here, and is naive enough to believe everybody with his hair color is the same way. If he finds it to be different, all he needs is one person to tell him whoever said it is a liar, and he'll be right back on his way. He will push a lot of things out of sight and out of mind if his master tells him to. And never think on them again.

He thrives off praise, and the more he gets, the happier he is, and the harder he'll work. As if it was possible to work harder than he does already. If he finds out something you like, he'll keep doing it and remember forever that you enjoy it.

When he gets on a computer, he'll avoid news sites because he's sure it's not things he needs to know. And his reading comprehension level is low, along with having poor typing skills. He does the one-finger type method. He prefers to get online and play games, go to cooking sites, or just watch movies intended for children. And although he is very social and likes to talk, he tends to avoid places online where he actually has a chance to talk. Partially because he's embarrassed at his own typing skill (which he's working to try and improve), and partially because he's afraid he might say something his master won't like. As he grows closer to Deidara and starts to know him better, the fear will likely start to vanish.

Sample Post:

First Person

ahh i dont think i canhandle these kind of game's.. i thought maybe i could try to do some puzzle's because i did a small one the other day but the most popular ones are really too hard!! it doesnt make any sense to me at all.. maybe theres different kinds of puzzle's. i like the ones where you have the picture all shuffled and you click the two you want to go together! and in the end it makes a picture. there's on of a cat that i really like to do.

but this isnt like that at all. it makes me get a headache. it doesnt even make a picture at all so theres no point. and i think other people agree with me because nobody seems to like this game at all. all of the comment's are complainiing that it's too hard and whoever made it is a jerk. i left them a comment too. i tried to make it sound good. it was

Dear Sir
this needs to have a kitten at the end and i don't think people would be mad because nobody can be mad at an animal. please reconsider your puzzle. i did not like it. if not a kitten then at least it should play some music. or have nice color's. thank you.

Third Person
Having a new master was exciting. Really exciting. Tobi couldn't even remember the last time he'd felt this happy about anything. He could only remember stress with his previous master, and while he didn't blame the man at all, he knew it wasn't a set of memories he could look back on fondly. He did look back on it though, and tried to learn on it to see what he had done wrong.

He didn't want to end up in the pound again, sleeping on that cold floor and getting tiny rations every day. He'd been healthy looking before, but from his time in the pound he'd slimmed down considerably. At only 4'11", he once sat at 98 pounds, but he'd slimmed down to 93 in almost a month. For someone of his size, it wasn't good at all. But he wasn't worried about it now, because this was his new home, his new master, and a kitchen full of things he could cook to make Deidara happy.

But he was stuck on it. Deidara didn't seem to have the same set-up as his previous master, who preferred fine cuisine and kept the best and freshest ingredients around. And Tobi wasn't used to this, but he knew it was sink or swim. He needed to find something to cook. He could make a grocery list for his master like how he used to but... would that be overstepping his bounds? He didn't know, and he was too afraid to try and take a chance on Deidara at this moment, since he didn't want to do anything that could ever make the man unhappy with him.

But it put him in an odd place. How could he show his master that he was useful and could be a good cook if... if there was nothing to cook! But he tried not to let his flustered side show, and stared at the open fridge looking for something, anything he could combine to make a tasty lunch for Deidara. Bread, butter, cheese...

Maybe he could... make a sandwich? But the sandwiches he was used to making were on the finest, fresh-baked bread with prime cuts of meat and specially aged cheese. He had to remind himself that things were different now, and things were better now. The shaking he'd felt just a month ago in his hands was now entirely gone, and he once again had the energy that a boy his age should have. This was a better place for him. Even someone as dense as himself could recognize that.

So grabbing the three targeted ingredients, he took two slices of the bread, and thought to put the cheese between them. Butter on bread tasted good, and it was simple. But... should it put it on the inside of the slice and put the cheese over it? Should butter be used that way? Giving it a try, he took a bite of a test sandwich and decided that it just... didn't feel right at all. It tasted good, sure. But it was just kind of mushy and texturally off. He couldn't serve something like that! It didn't even seem to be finished...

Maybe if the bread was toasted? That would give it a nice crunch, and maybe the heat of the bread would melt the butter and make it taste better. But ah, toasting bread took too long. He needed something faster, because he'd already took too long in preparing a lunch and he'd picked up already that his new master didn't like waiting. The stove was his best bet, and he quickly went to search for a frying pan and place it on a burner. Buttering two slices of bread, he placed them butter side down onto the hot pan, placing the cheese on both sides. He watched it very closely, waiting for the cheese to melt and just start to bubble before he placed the sliced together in what was the most golden brown looking grilled cheese sandwich ever.

Grabbing a canned drink from the fridge, he brought the plated sandwich to his master and mentally crossed his fingers. He didn't have time to give it a testing taste, so he could only hope his simple choice in lunch items would be enough to satisfy. Taking a deep breath, he set the place down.

And waited.

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2009-05-31 08:45 pm UTC (link)

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2009-05-31 08:50 pm UTC (link)

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2009-05-31 08:51 pm UTC (link)


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2009-05-31 09:01 pm UTC (link)
He may even let you play tea party with his family >D AND NEVER LEAVE EVER AGAIN

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2009-05-31 09:04 pm UTC (link)
Oooh, that sounds totally innocent and fun! What bad could possibly happen.

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2009-05-31 09:07 pm UTC (link)
Nothing whatsoever~

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2009-05-31 09:13 pm UTC (link)
Then I totally trust you! *follows blindly*

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2009-05-31 09:16 pm UTC (link)
I look forward to making your master insane having you over :D

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2009-05-31 09:18 pm UTC (link)
This will be the greatest friendship ever!!

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2009-05-31 09:20 pm UTC (link)

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2009-05-31 09:25 pm UTC (link)
That icon is misleading.

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2009-05-31 09:51 pm UTC (link)
dis better?

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2009-05-31 09:55 pm UTC (link)

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