He mentally runs over a few defenses -- inelegant and untalented though they are -- in his mind, fairly certain he could survive the first thing Doom might do magically. The prospect of dying at the second thing isn't nearly as intimidating as the conversation, though.
That Kristoff stops at tensing at the last part, a strange hitch in his breath replacing the stifled whimper that almost escaped him, takes incredible effort. "Some things...cannot be helped, Sir. And I do not entirely care what this country will risk. Vincent is My Concern now, Sir, until such point as he chooses to go back himself. Your current inconvenience will prevent your getting to Vincent before you are inconvenienced further by others," He'd alerted the Richardses and the Torch and they were en route, of course, but he doesn't say the names; it wouldn't help. "And Dr. Strange does not live far away, Sir."
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