Speaker For The Diodes - Post a comment

Jan. 16th, 2014

05:24 am - QotD

"The marketing around New Year's resolutions suggests that we should flip a switch, 'be a brand new you,' and transform ourselves overnight with the flip of a calendar page. There is no shortage of products and services to buy that will give us an edge in the fight against ourselves. We are promised that spending a certain amount of money will win for us this one, decisive battle, so that we finally become employable and lovable for all time. Lasting, healthy growth does not work that way.

'A tree is beautiful throughout its life. From the first seedling, to the tender sapling, through fruit-bearing, and even in the decay that gives life to other creatures, a tree can inspire feelings of grace. There is nothing wrong with being a seedling. If we're trying to make room for a future fruit-bearing tree, caring for what the seedling needs now is a better plan than yelling at it to make it produce a persimmon right this minute. For those of us who are using January as a goal-setting time or supporting others who are nurturing change, let's honor the seedlings."

-- Rev. Lynx Cox, 'New Leaves', 2013-01-12

[And yes, her references to trees and my choosing this quotation for today are intentional connections to Tu B'Shevat being today.]


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