"Any excuse will do for a time of peace, goodwill, and giving presents to children. It is its own justification, nothing else is needed. Candles that keep mystically burning, stars that travel in the sky, or jolly fat men riding aeriel sleighs, those are strictly optional embellishments." -- Zoe Brain, 2010-12-24
[And to everyone celebrating Christmas on the Gregorian calendar, whether as a favourite secular holiday, or from cultural intertia, or because, like me, you're celebrating the birth[*] of your Saviour, merry Christmas! (Don't worry, old-calender Orthodox folks, I won't forget you when your turn comes.) Similarly, to anyone whose Winter holiday just ended or is about to start, and I didn't get around to recognizing in an after-the-quote greeting (Saturnalia just ended, right?), I hope you had a good holiday, and wish you well for the coming year.]
[*] Even though we're not celebrating His birth on or near His birthday, since that'd be sometime in the Spring, of course. Then again, even though the original reason for celebrating Christmas at this time of year was more strategic than religious, perhaps it's just as well, since otherwise it would be rather close to our religion's most important holiday, which is also in Springtime.