Speaker For The Diodes - Post a comment

Oct. 25th, 2009

05:25 am - QotD

From the Quotation of the day mailing list, 2008-02-04:

"Sleeping, I dream about my cyborg half, that it's a monster that has half-devoured me, its teeth sunk in the right half of my body. Or it's a forest I've wandered into, and I'm lost amid its mazy pathways, deep pools, strange trees whose long fronds brush my shoulders. In the center, there's an enchanted well I can never quite reach. Night falls and the sky shows strange new constellations. Waking at night, the world glows in wireframe.

"Tonight, I have a whole long dream about a list of assembler instructions and their possible uses and then about the team that wrote them, a bunch of engineers in the 1980s. It turns out to be obsolete documentation that got left on an install disc for a chip series three generations before mine, made by a Protheon-owned company out in New Mexico. Just before waking, I catch a glimpse of red earth and a storefront office window in an Albuquerque strip mall, the smell of air conditioning and bad office coffee, the glass door swinging shut, as if whoever made me has only just left the building."

-- Austin Grossman, from his novel, Soon I Will Be Invincible. The novel tells the story of Fatale, a cyborg who joins a group of superheroes known as the Champions.

(submitted to the mailing list by Terry Labach)


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