02:13 pm - Rantlet: STOP USING HALOSCAN
Goddamn it, if I'm reading your blog, and there's a little
thingie at the end of an article that says "Comments", underlined,
in bright blue, looking for all the world like a, y'know,
fucking link, then I really do not think it is
unreasonable to control-click or right-click on that, select
"open in the damned background so I can read it later" off the
popup menu, and expect the comments to open in a background
tab and be waiting there when I get to them! So getting done
with the front page and going over to a comments tab to start
reading the feedback, and finding a fucking empty page
with "javascript:HaloScan('4571549301309286818');" in the
URL bar, is just NOT COOL, damn it! In addition to usually
being in a PITA-to-read layout, this HaloScan system fucking
breaks expected navigation behaviour, and
that is, to be perfectly clear, not fucking right.
(I've already dropped a lot of blogs that use HaloScan
from my reading list, or more accurately, declined to add them
because they use HaloScan, but I get surprised when I'm
following a link from a friend's journal or Google. Maybe
I need to craft a plug-in that'll detect HaloScan links on
a page and pop up an alert box that says, "This page uses
HaloScan and will only wind up pissing you off. Are you
sure you need the information this badly?")