Speaker For The Diodes - Post a comment

Apr. 24th, 2009

05:25 am - QotD

"[...] But they also don't want to be labeled homophobes. That is, although saying 'gay marriage shouldn't be allowed because I believe gay sex is icky' is actually a less terrible argument than anything they've got -- hey, it's not flagrantly internally incoherent, it's basically honest (I'll wager), and who doesn't believe that on some level people steer, morally, by emotional attraction-repulsion drive? -- it's considered embarrassing. (Homophobia: the yuck that dare not speak its name.)" -- John Holbo, "Really Really Bad Arguments", Crooked Timber, 2009-04-09 (emphasis added -- DGA)

[Not that I -- nor, as far as I can tell, John Holbo -- think this excuses 'gays aren't quite people and don't deserve to be treated fairly' arguments (just before the bit I quoted, he wrote, "[...] the editors surely don't personally think anything so awful, although Sullivan is perfectly right that their argument makes no sense whatsoever unless they do."). Mostly I wanted to quote enough context to support the bit I really wanted to pass on, that I bolded above: "Homophobia: the yuck that dare not speak its name."]


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