Speaker For The Diodes - April 14th, 2014

Apr. 14th, 2014

05:24 am - QotD

From "Spring Cleaning Ritual on the Eve of the Full Moon Nisan" by Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb:

"On the eve of the full moon
we search our houses
by the light of a candle
for the last trace of winter
for the last crumbs grown stale inside us
for the last darkness still in our hearts."

(quote found by way of Velveteen Rabbi, 2014-04-13)

To all of my friends who are celebrating the week of Passover starting tonight, a joyous festival to you!

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06:04 am - Performance 4 May in Bladensburg

Latest addition to our HCB, that is) performance calendar: We're playing at the Bostwick Heritage Festival in Bladensburg, Maryland, 4 May (the web site says 1PM - 4PM but the email the band got says noon to 5PM, and we'll be playing in the earlier part of that). Free admission. This looks like a smallish event, with period craft/trade demos, tours of Bostwick House, craft vendors, etc. Come on out for the afternoon and get a bit more War of 1812 history.

( Facebook event page)

A reminder about the other gigs coming up fairly soon:

Our annual spring concert at the Greenbelt Arts Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, on Saturday, 26 April at 8:00 PM. ( reservations) Adults $17 / Children $12 / Seniors, Students, and Military $14.

snowstorm the night before to scare people away from this one. ;-)</p>

The second day of the Green Man Festival, also in Greenbelt, Maryland, Sunday, 11 May (Mothers Day) at 4 PM. (That's close to the end of the festival, so get there a lot earlier than that to check out the rest of it.)

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