"Lowering the suicide rate among trans folks requires the same sort of work that will best combat violent crimes committed by other people against trans folks. We need to do a lot of consciousness raising work to spread awareness of the very existence of trans folks. Sadly knowing we exist is not enough - we must also convince people that trans folks are human, that our lives have value. And this requires convincing people that their limited conceptions of gender are not all there is, a massive undertaking given the widespread unquestioning acceptance of the compulsory gender binary." -- Jos, 2009-11-20
List of
12th Annual International Transgender Day of Remembrance
events in various cities (most of them today, of course.
List of 179 known murders of trans people since last November's
TDoR, the four deadliest countries for trans people this
year having been Brazil (91), Guatemala (15), Mexico (14), and
the USA (14). Okay, so the US isn't losing as many of its trans
citizens to murder as Brazil is, but that's still more than one
trans murder victim a month right here at home.
Data from
past years
(Links via
Questioning Transphobia and
"I have a lot of trans friends and I worry for them a lot.
I never want to see any of their names on this list. I don't want
to see anyone's name on this list. It's appalling what people will
do to each other just because someone doesn't fit into a neat
category." --
(I usually try to pick something silly for Saturdays, but for me and others in my community, this isn't really the day for silly. Monica Roberts explains a couple of other things it isn't.)
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