Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<i">') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]
<!-- 1728-10-27: James Cook b. -->
<!-- 1871-10-27: New York's Boss Tweed is arrested on fraud charges -->
<!-- 1904-10-27: The first New York Subway is opened -->
<!-- 1933-10-27: Gerald M. Weinberg b. -->
<!-- 1939-10-27: (uncle) Ted Arthur born -->
<!-- lj-cut text="Yasmin Nair, on the bullying problem" -->
<p><i">The point is that queer bullying cannot operate in a vacuum.
A school that is hostile to queer youth is not likely to be safe
for many of its other students."</i> -- Yasmin Nair,
<a jref="http://www.windycitymediagroup.com/ARTICLE.php?AID=29016">
2010-10-13</a> <small>[thanks to <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>
<a href='http://bcholmes.dreamwidth.org/profile'>
<img src='http://s.dreamwidth.org/img/silk/identity/user.png'
alt='[info] - personal' width='17' height='17'
style='vertical-align: bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px;' /></a>
<a href='http://bcholmes.dreamwidth.org/'><b>bcholmes</b></a></span>
<a href="http://bcholmes.dreamwidth.org/616194.html"> for
<a href="http://bcholmes.dreamwidth.org/616194.html">quoting from
and linking to this</a> earlier.]</small></p>