Speaker For The Diodes - July 29th, 2010

Jul. 29th, 2010

05:24 am - QotD

"From their conflation of homosexuality with non-consensual acts like incest, child molestation, beastiality, etc. it's always been apparent to me that people who view homosexuality (and female promiscuity) as immoral have no concept of sexual consent. None. Beware the homophobe, and not just because s/he's homophobic." -- snobographer, 2010-07-02 [ thanks to [info] realinterrobang for quoting it earlier]

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03:22 pm - Critters

I scared a bat last night. It was attempting to cross the road and misjudged either my distance or speed. Fortunately bats change direction really, really sharply. Never seen a bat flap quite so furiously though.

This afternoon I saw a black lab not-quite-dog-but-not-quite-puppy-any-more somehow having folded itself into a pose such that the silhouette was that of a ginormous, black bunny. Urk? Moved before I could grab the camera.

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03:40 pm - Pennsic

Figured I'd better get this out because some of the folks who'll be wondering are leaving tomorrow: I'm planning to be at Pennsic this year, but do not know yet for how much of it. Tomorrow I finish the Must-Be-Priority-#1 tasks at home and finally get to start preparing for War. Then I get to figure out how long it'll take me to pull myself together, and how much of Pennsic I can afford in both dollars and spoons. Likely arrival is right around the midpoint, but at the moment it's kinda hard to say.

Hope to see a bunch of you there.

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