Speaker For The Diodes - July 22nd, 2010

Jul. 22nd, 2010

05:24 am - QotD

The entirety of an LJ entry by [info] sabotabby, 2010-07-02 (after the G20 summit and the related police and public-policy fuckage in Toronto), because it's short and I didn't see a good place to cut it:

They still haven't put many of the garbage cans back.

For me, the lack of garbage cans are a more poignant symbol than the fence, or the hippies being teargassed for singing Kumbaya. Without garbage cans on the sidewalks, private space remains untouched, but public space becomes filthy and unlivable. Garbage cans are the mark of the public service, of civility, of, dare I say it, the social contract itself.

It occurs to me that there are a lot of people who would be happy to live in a police state. Right up until the knock on the door in the middle of the night, they would assume protection because they'd done nothing wrong. They might even delight in the persecution of the Other.

But no one wants to live without garbage cans on the sidewalks. No one.

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