Speaker For The Diodes - May 24th, 2010

May. 24th, 2010

05:24 am - QotD

"We used to have a national press that believed its job was to more-or-less monitor activity along that border, and to disallow lies from the badlands of Fringeylvania to swarm willy-nilly into the Mainstream.

"But ever since the press became just another racket run by hustlers and pimps who recognize no metric for success but ratings (and consequently no difference between 'news' and 'pie fight') Conservative lies have been left to gush unchecked and unchallenged directly into our national media.

"So if you're feeling a little alone and abandoned, it's because you are; your national media abdicated its sacred duty long ago. They did it for money, discovering that 'comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable' was no way to snag that seven-figure lifestyle and so instead opted to simply toss fragile, nuanced, complicated Truth into an unrefereed cage match with heavily-armed, corporate-funded Lies ... and to let the market decide."

-- driftglass, 2010-05-10 [ thanks to [info] realinterrobang for quoting it earlier]

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