Speaker For The Diodes - December 30th, 2009

Dec. 30th, 2009

02:23 am - Ugh

Wow, that was a doozy of a bad dream. So much for any benefit of having gotten to bed early. Woke angry and in pain.

05:24 am - QotD

"The strong tradition (commandment, actually) to study and probe and turn the torah over and over looking for new insights is very appealing to me. It says that there isn't one pat Answer, and when someone tells it to you you're done. It says that the mere process of engaging is meaningful, even though it's inefficient to have imperfect humans try to figure out stuff than an omnipotent God could just tell us. There are no (well, very few) stupid questions, and it's ok to ask 'why?'." -- [info] cellio, 2009-12-17

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