Speaker For The Diodes - May 31st, 2009

May. 31st, 2009

05:25 am - QotD

From the Quotation of the day mailing list, 2008-01-27:

"Do something else, develop any other skill ... turn to any other branch of knowledge. Learn how to use your hands. Try woodworking, birdwatching, gardening, sailing, weaving, pottery, archaeology, oceanography, spelunking, animal husbandry --- take your pick. Whatever activity you engage in, as a trade or hobby or field study, will tone up your body and clear your head. At the very least it will help you with your metaphors." -- Stanley Kunitz, poet, when asked what advice he had for young poets.

(submitted to the mailing list by Terry Labach)

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01:34 pm - Off The Leash

I have an unduly perverse WiFi router.

There's a certain level of perversity one expects from inanimate objects, simply due to cosmic background perversity and O'Toole's Corollary of Finagle's Law. The expected perversity is higher in electronic equipment, and internal combustion engines beyond a certain age.

But making me RTFM before I could do a factory reset, when the manual told me to do exactly what I'd already been doing from memory? Well that's a simply unacceptable level of perversity for something inanimate. I mean, that's downright feline, innit?

Now to figure out what room it needs to go in to reach the whole house...

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