I had trouble getting to sleep, then only slept a couple hours before waking again, so I assumed that I'd be going back to sleep soonish and planned to take my morning meds when I woke the next time. Then I slept a couple more hours, woke again, remembered I'd been awake earlier, and forgot that I hadn't taken my meds then.
Then in the evening, while I was wondering why I had been feeling even worse all day than the day before and why my reflux was acting up, I considered taking my nighttime meds a bit early ... and finally realized I'd never taken my morning meds.
So: muscle-achy and congested and headachy and off-kilter and uncomfortable in the stomach and esophagus ... and Feeling Like An Idiot.
You'd think that at my age I'd be competent to take care of myself.
On a more positive note, the more episodes of Spooks
(aka MI-5) I watch, the better I like the show; and
Legend of the Seeker continues to function as a guilty
pleasure for me (it often seems a little too much like, "draw
a card from the serial-trying-to-pretend-to-just-be-a-lo
I haven't read the book or books that Legend of the Seeker is based on, so I've no idea whether the print version suffers the same flaws, nor how faithful the television version is. It also occurs to me that the flaws may not really be problems with the show, but rather a sign that I've been a consumer of fiction in these overlapping genres for long enough that I'm going to see patterns and commonalities nearly anywhere I look. But I've also been watching police procedurals and mysteries for a long time, and writers of those seem to (at least sometimes) find ways to keep their shows fresh despite conforming to their genres enough to be recognizeable, so maybe it's just that there haven't been enough sword&sorcery television shows for the television writers themselves to spot what readers see as the just-a-bit-TOO-expected bits as they write them, and decide to rewrite them out again? (Along with the, "That outfit is fetching and helps set the mood but is it what an experienced adventurer would choose to wear for this environment?" bits.)
Whee. Half past three and unsurprisingly still awake. Gotta try to do something about that.
"My brother's choral society recently did Stainer's Crucifixion and Fauré's Requiem in the cathedral. At one point he asked the silver-haired clergyman next to him how he managed to find the time. 'I just love doing it,' said the Archbishop of Canterbury." -- Mike Lyle, 2009-04-15 in the Usenet newsgroup alt.usage.english (Subject: OT. Choral singing simply justified; Message-ID: <gs54kf$fd4$1@news.motzarella.org>)
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