From the Quotation of the day mailing list, 2008-01-01:
"Do we have to kill every slug, ant, sowbug, earwig, aphid, wasp and spider we see? Lift your foot and let it live. There's room for even a few unwanted guests in every garden. Remember, without a small colony of aphids, you won't get any ladybugs. Capture and release is a good idea. I know people who gather their slugs and walk them to safe haven in the woods down the street. Let's live and let live. Real gardeners don't mind seeing a few leaves chomped by slugs. It reminds us that the garden is a real place not some artificial zone with an obedient nature." -- Steve Whysall, Vancouver Sun, New Year's gardening-related resolutions for 2008.
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(submitted to the mailing list by Lynn Kisilenko)