Devon Quigg

Recent Entries

9/1/22 03:40 pm

Devon Quigg )

2/18/14 12:26 am

With my brother and best friend playing for opposing teams during the World Cup, I'm going to be kept very busy while in New York. I'm unfortunately going to have to miss England's last game (unless they make it to the finals); while I would be happy if Scarlett got her victory, I have to stay true to my Scottish roots.

Merlin, I'm so proud of Rafe. He's worked his ass off to become one of Scotland's best in the league. He's going to be great, it's always a thrill to watch him play. It'll be an even bigger thrill to watch him help Scotland take the cup.

See, Rafe, I can say nice things about you sometimes.

I'm so excited! So much to see, so much to do, so many things to buy!

9/16/13 11:26 pm

Grail )

9/1/13 05:38 pm

My baby girl is almost 7 months old! Can you believe it? It seems as though so much time has gone by in the blink of an eye, and before I know it she'll be running around the house like a madwoman. I can already tell she's going to be a handful when she gets older. We're all doomed, should she inherit her mother's temper and her father's silver tongue.

Right now, I'm appreciating her being a little angel and finally sleeping through the night. I actually feel well rested, though now I'm in the mood to shop. Ella is outgrowing her clothes, and I could add a few more items to my wardrobe as well.

Scarlett, are you terribly busy or would you like to accompany me on this shopping trip? I'll give Darren some alone time with our angel so we can catch up.

7/14/12 03:15 pm

Close friends and family )

5/25/12 10:36 pm


12/9/11 10:15 pm

This is going to be the first Christmas that Darren and I share as husband and wife.

I still can't get over the sound of that - husband and wife. It's quite a lovely thing, isn't it?

I have to say, I've very much enjoyed being Mrs. Quigg since we've gotten married. My man treats me well.

Very well.

I went out and bought some new decorations for the house. We just got finished decorating the tree.

The Tree. )

I think it's quite obvious who really did all the decorating. He just put things where I told him to.


10/25/11 07:11 pm

I'm getting married in 4 days.

That still seems so surreal to me. I'm trying to keep calm, but I feel like nothing is going to come together the way I want it to, and I feel like my hair is going to look awful and I think I've dropped weight from all the stress, which makes me think my dress is going to be too big, and what if my heel breaks while I'm walking down the aisle or I trip, and what if I hate the way my bridesmaids do their hair and what if he doesn't even show---

Someone get me a paper bag to breathe into...

6/2/11 12:44 am

5/29/11 02:04 pm

If one more bloody person asks me 'When's the wedding going to be?', or tells me 'You need to hurry along with that Wedding planning!', I'm going to bite your sodding head off.

MERLIN. Mind your own business...


I've been writing a lot of letters to halls, and I think I found the perfect place.

Care to join me for a tour later in the week?


5/9/11 08:37 pm

Darren and I went to look at locations for our reception the other day. I had my camera with me, because I was taking pictures so we could look back on them and make a decision, and I catch him doing this.

My future husband. )

10/1/09 03:31 pm

October is finally here.

That means Halloween isn't too far away. I should probably start thinking about my costume(s) for this year, before it's too late.

I hate recycling costumes. Ugh.

Darren )

7/22/09 04:08 pm


Do I want to buy the red dress, or the blue dress for this weekend's party?

Or maybe the green dress?

They all accentuate at least one of my many wonderful attributes, so the decision is a bit tricky.

Does anyone want to let me model for them?

Darren, darling, maybe you'd be up for it? I promise you won't get bored.

2/20/09 02:17 am

I wonder what this mysterious key is for...

Hm. There are endless possibilities.

2/3/09 05:00 pm

Private )

Valentine's Day is just around the corner.

I expect flowers.

11/1/08 05:24 am

Lydia Proudfoot )

10/19/08 07:03 pm

Private )


I still don't know what I want to be for Halloween.

Any suggestions?

8/21/08 04:33 pm


I hate this fucking law!


And Darren, where the hell are you?! I'm going out of my God damn mind, and you're no where to be found!

7/11/08 08:03 pm

Private )

I'm an Aunt!

7/7/08 04:46 am

Rafe )
Darren )
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