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designergene ([info]designergene) wrote,
@ 2010-01-06 18:44:00

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Marvel: Next Generation

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: RogueMoon
Email: Don't Give Out
AIM (if you have one): SinisterSon, RogueDragun
Character Name: Enteinne LeBeau
Character Journal: [info]designergene
Physical description (face, build, weight): Enteinne is an attractive, if thin for his height, young man. He stands at 6 feet 2 inches, though one would be hard pressed to call it as he has a perpetual slouch that makes him appear closer to his sister's 5 feet and 6 inches. A healthy weight for a man of his height would be at least 180 pounds, preferably closer to 200, but he ends up being a scant 167 because of how he eats.
Enteinne has an all around scruffy appearance, even when 'cleaned up'. A perpetual, if light, five o'clock shadow and shaggy auburn hair complement his long face, from which red on black eyes peer out, always looking for his next target.
The boy tends to fidgit as well, never quite able to keep still.
Age: 20
Birthday: April 24th
PB: Gaspard Ulliel (shopped)
Mutation - Conversion of Ambiant Emotions into a Kinetic Charge, Empathy
Enteinne has the ability to 'charge' objects by drawing on the ambient emotions around him and coverting it into kinetic energy that charges whatever he's touching, priming it to blow up, reminicent of his father's abilities. The extent of this power to blow things up is unknown and since finding out about it, the few experiments he's done with attempting to control it have been limited to picking up various sized pieces of junk and tossing them as far as possible before taking cover while they blow up.
The amount of power behind the charges are directly related to the strength of the emotions he's pulling on. It doesn't matter what they are: love, hate, anger, happiness. It's the strength of them that matters. And he can't use his own as a fuel.
The first time they activated, he was practicing his shuffling on the 'find the queen' game. All the cards lit up as his fingers touched them and then the cardboard box they were on as he pulled his hands away and the next thing he remembers is waking up in a hospital for first degree burns on his hands and face. Which led to a second waking in a different room after his tubes exploded on him for an 'unknown' reason.
His mind is surrounded by a sort of 'static' that makes it impossible to pick up his thoughts by accident and if he's near enough to someone, physically, can shield their mind as well. If a telepath is purposely attmepting to look in his mind or the mind of someone physically close to them, they can get basic surface feelings and an occasional mental picture as well as speak mind to mind. But anything more causes pain to both the telepath and to Enteinne.
Because of his abilities, he is a receptive Empath. He can tell what others are feeling at any given time but cannot project his own. He uses this to his benefit when conning and attempting to manipulate others. Mostly when talking cops out of arresting him or getting someone (mafia thugs, mafia dons, men he doesn't want to tussle with, etc) off his case.
Learned Abilities - Pickpocketing, Shoplifting, B&E, 'Parkour', Dirty Street Fighting (best at hand to hand, with a knife or thrown objects), Card Games and Street hussling.
Personality/Weaknesses and flaws:
Despite his upbringing on the streets, or perhaps because of it, Enteinne is generally a very fun loving guy. Often flirtatious and care free, he finds enjoyment in physical exertion and can't ever seem to sit still. Enteinne enjoys a cigarette every now and then, to help calm his nerves and keep the fidgiting to a minimum.
Occasionally, Enteinne is given to bouts of meloncholy brought on by a low self esteem. If he's around others at these times he will promptly attempt a joke or some buffonery or show-off. Anything to keep them from noticing or thinking too hard about it, because he doesn't want to think too hard about it. When he's nervous, he tells a lot more jokes. They tend to be increasingly poorly executed the more nervous he is.
He enjoys parkour, basketball, and rock music as well as zydeco. He covets the two cassette tapes he has of his favorite zydeco band that is no longer together due to the singer leaving for better pastures after Katrina hit. He is also a surprisingly good cook with an over abundant love of spice.
Enteinne is given to speaking in mixed french and english, often translating his own french and repeating himself in English for the benefit of others around him, a habit he picked up at a young age that has never really left him.
Enteinne is undereducated. He can barely read and write and science is a constant source of confusion. History has no meaning and law only matters if he's breaking one. The only subject he has any true grasp of is math. He had to learn to account for his money early on, with percentages and everything. It was a harsh education.
He is too thin for his own good, another hold over from growing up on the streets. He rations his food, never eating everything on his plate out of an inborn - and now unconcious - fear of not being able to eat the next day if he does finish his meal.
Character location/Home: New Orleans, Alternate Dimention
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Neutral
Relatives (living/dead?): Alisa Brex "Tinker Belle" LeBeau (twin sister, living)
Birth Parents: Remy LeBeau, Antionette Simms (unknown to him)
Backstory: His first real memory was of someone calling him 'Enteinne'. The sky was gray and rain was falling and it was hard to see. He couldn't even see the face of the person calling to him. But he knew it was Fagan.
Fagan was the one who raised him, as much as anyone ever raised the homeless street kids. Fagan gave him and his sister and the other orphaned children in the French Quarter a roof to keep the rain off and hand-me-downs to keep them warm. He taught them how to beg and pick the pockets of the tourists. He was there to make sure the adults with younger tastes didn't hurt them too much and paid for the privilege.
Enteinne was never really happy, but he was never really miserable either. So long as he paid Fagan a percentage of his earnings, the man would keep him as safe as one could be. The drug dealers left him alone and the pimps didn't try to horn in on his profits. Fagan was not a man to be messed with. And with this protection, Enteinne was able to shield his sister from the ravages of the street.
He did most of the work to pay Fagan for both of them. Would keep her protected from wandering eyes and hands by prostituting himself out instead. She was the only family he had. They both knew it because they had the same eyes.
It all fell apart when Katrina hit. The only semblance of a home he could remember was washed away by the rain. None of the kids evacuated. They had no where to go. Most of them didn't survive. Fagan didn't survive. Enteinne was fifteen with no social security number, no birth certificate and no adult family to present to the rescue workers and tell them who he was.
The recovery efforts were one of the best things to ever happen to him and Alisa. Hospital records had washed away with the rest of the city. He got an idea and had Alisa go into hiding amongst the ruins once it was safe enough. Then he told the rescue workers his name was Enteinne. They assumed he didn't say more because he was in shock. So they gave him a list of Enteinne's his age that were unaccounted for and just told him to nod when he heard his.
Enteinne LeBeau sounded pretty good to him. Turned out the LeBeau's were moderately wealthy, middle class. And dead. He thought it would be polite to go to their funeral before he signed the papers declaring him an emancipated youth and having all the accounts transferred into his name. The process took a good year - with Alisa acting as a consultant for him because of his issues with reading and writing, the excuse being that he had dyslexia so she would be doing most of the reading and translation of terms. She always wore tinted glasses to hide her eyes. So he was seventeen by the time he got control of his life and could get papers drawn up to make Alisa an 'official' LeBeau. Despite the same naming convention, this LeBeau was not related to the LeBeau's of the Thieves Guild.
Once they had the unquestioned control of the money, Enteinne bought himself a new bike. The rest was put toward new clothes, a proper home and a dentist visit! They'd never been to a dentist before and it felt good to know they wouldn't have to loose nearly all their teeth like so many homeless men and women had.
They've been living off the money since, Enteinne earning more by learning to play poker and blackjack and continuing his street hustling while pushing Alisa to get a proper education. Of the two, she's the one to have achieved her GED while Enteinne continues to struggle with reading and writing. Having to rely on her for translating anything complicated.
Unknown (at game start) to either of them, Enteinne and Alisa are the children of Remy LeBeau and a one night stand with Antionette Simms during Mardi Gras. Antionette didn't believe in abortion, but couldn't afford to take care of the kids, nor could she find the father afterward. So she gave them up at birth, trusting in the state to take care of them. The State had better things to do. They ended up on the street, found by Fagan, who recognized thier eyes and decided to keep watch on them in case the Theives Guild came calling again. They never did and he never brought it up. It wasn't his place to question the Guild and their policies.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Joining the Champions team in New Orleans, because they grew up there and aren't leaving.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Put plots into motion to make his personal world grow from just him and his sister to something a little more meaningful than simply the two of them surviving day to day.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Enteinne needs to gain some real self confidence and friends outside his sister. He needs to learn to trust. And hopefully grow into the hero his counterpart in so many other dimensions has become. He will also, along with his sister, have to learn to deal with true bigotry.
Sample post:
The door opened again a few minutes after Alisa was given her menu, bell ringing lightly. Enteinne eyed the coat rack with a smirk and took his time removing his trench and trying to set up it on a free peg. Apparently giving up after a couple 'frustrated' attempts to get it to stay up, only to have it slide off. Sighing in feigned defeat, he tied his coat around his waist and headed to the counter. Two new wallets and a cigarette case now waited inside the lining of his trench. His fingers deft enough to slip them from the other coats on the rack without anyone the wiser.

As he sat down he caught the eye of the lone waitress and gave a small wink and a smile. He received a menu a lot faster than his sister had. As well as cup of fresh coffee without even having to ask for it. The woman primped her hair as she walked away, waist swaying more than strictly nessicary for her job.

Enteinne glanced around and then leaned over to look at Alisa's menu, his forgotten as he infringed on the girl's space, "What's de special, petite? It not that picture o' lard is it?"

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2010-01-08 09:04 pm UTC (link)
Hey, I was going to email you but since you dont give it out....

I am interested in creating a rogue/ gambit kid that is known. I just wanted to let you know as you are one of the first gambit kids.


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2010-01-08 09:06 pm UTC (link)
I have no problem with that, personally. The twins don't know they're Gambit's kids so unless you were looking for them to have a background involving the twins there shouldn't be any issues.

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2010-01-08 09:06 pm UTC (link)
bah. login fail.

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2010-01-08 09:12 pm UTC (link)
I just wanted to be nice and let you know. I emailed nicole too so....

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