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a labor of love that didn't quite work out

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meme: 12 characters, 24 questions [May. 18th, 2008|11:13 am]
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Name 12 characters you have played in RPGs, before looking at the questions that follow. List your characters numbered 1 to 12, with the name of the RPG you played them in. Once you've picked your 12 characters, look at the questions and answer accordingly. (No peeking until you've picked your characters!) Put your answers behind a cut.

1. Luke (Sylvia Plath) from Pierian Springs
2. TP (The Player) from Stage Left
3. Drusilla (Julia Drusilla) from A Royal Pain
4. Quinn (Brutus) from Stage Left
5. Neil (Eugene O'Neill) from Pierian Springs
6. Davey Gudgeon from Cheese Fries
7. Jude (Judas Iscariot) from Stage Left
8. Piers (Piers Gaveston) from A Royal Pain
9. Rob (Robert Frost) from Pierian Springs
10. Alex (Alexei Romanov) from A Royal Pain
11. Mark (Mercutio) from Stage Left
12. Virginia (Virginia Woolf) from Pierian Springs

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