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a labor of love that didn't quite work out ([info]derkins) wrote,
@ 2008-09-16 14:39:00

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Entry tags:meme, q&a

ooh here it comes (waheey)

1. What do you think of _____________ ?

2. When did you last ____________ ?

3. __________ or ___________ and why?

4. What did you ______________ ?

5. What's your favorite ______________ ?

6. How would you ______________ ?

7. Who would you most like to ________ ?

undoubtedly, you'll all be real horrible with these, since i was so horrible with yours. XD; ohhhdearr.

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2008-09-17 04:53 am UTC (link)
1. What do you think of Spencer?
I don't.

2. When did you last badtouch yourself?
Last night. Edward likes to watch.

3. Edward-in-high-school or Edward-now and why?
Mm.. Edward-in-high-school. He didn't have certain annoying habits like fucking assholes with assholes then.

4. What did you tell your parents when they found out you liked boys (i.e. Edward)?
I think they sort of suspected. I don't like to think I was very obvious, but I told them one day in passing and they sort of just shrugged and said "be home by twelve."

5. What's your favourite food?
Edward. But I wouldn't say no to truffles either. The chocolate kind, not the mushroom kind. Although I am worth it.

6. How would you like your relationship with Edward to progress?
I think, at this point, I would be happy that it just progresses. And maybe certain people can fall off the face of the earth, or something.

7. Who would you most like to mail a horse's head to?
Someone I definitely do not waste my time thinking about.

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2008-09-17 05:26 am UTC (link)
oh piers. you are worth it.

(spencer lol's.)

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