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a labor of love that didn't quite work out ([info]derkins) wrote,
@ 2008-09-16 14:39:00

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Entry tags:meme, q&a

ooh here it comes (waheey)

1. What do you think of _____________ ?

2. When did you last ____________ ?

3. __________ or ___________ and why?

4. What did you ______________ ?

5. What's your favorite ______________ ?

6. How would you ______________ ?

7. Who would you most like to ________ ?

undoubtedly, you'll all be real horrible with these, since i was so horrible with yours. XD; ohhhdearr.

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2008-09-16 10:06 pm UTC (link)
1. What do you think of the fact that Viollca never wears underwear?
It.. never really occurs to me, most of the time. I mean. Not when I'm not busy thinking of other things.

...I certainly hope no one else notices, though.

2. When did you last have a sex dream?
That's-- do I really have to answer this? I don't ever remember my dreams anymore I'm too exhausted can I pass?

3. Do you prefer sunny or rainy days and why?
I love the rain. The sun is too bright and it hurts my skin and eyes, but the rain is lovely. Even to just hear it outside, against your window. It's so soothing.

4. What did you like most about Viollca when you first met him?
He.. oh, he looked like a Greek God. He was beautiful, and to this day I still can't believe he let such a tainted thing like me touch such beauty.

5. What's your favorite sex position?
That's none of your business!! (but if you twisted his arm, he'd say it's any position that allows him to see Viollca)

6. How would you really like to celebrate your birthday?
With Viollca. That's all I really want. I'd love to be able to hold hands with him outside and not have to worry about consequences, but even if we were holed up in his apartment, I wouldn't mind as long as he's there.

7. Who would you most like to read the thoughts of?
...Lovely. I think, if I actually knew what she was really thinking, and not only hear what she's saying, it'd help me to stay away.

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