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a labor of love that didn't quite work out ([info]derkins) wrote,
@ 2008-09-16 14:39:00

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Entry tags:meme, q&a

ooh here it comes (waheey)

1. What do you think of _____________ ?

2. When did you last ____________ ?

3. __________ or ___________ and why?

4. What did you ______________ ?

5. What's your favorite ______________ ?

6. How would you ______________ ?

7. Who would you most like to ________ ?

undoubtedly, you'll all be real horrible with these, since i was so horrible with yours. XD; ohhhdearr.

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2008-09-16 06:54 pm UTC (link)
1. What do you think of Spencer?

2. When did you last badtouch yourself?

3. Edward-in-high-school or Edward-now and why?

4. What did you tell your parents when they found out you liked boys (i.e. Edward)?

5. What's your favourite food?

6. How would you like your relationship with Edward to progress?

7. Who would you most like to mail a horse's head to?

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2008-09-17 04:53 am UTC (link)
1. What do you think of Spencer?
I don't.

2. When did you last badtouch yourself?
Last night. Edward likes to watch.

3. Edward-in-high-school or Edward-now and why?
Mm.. Edward-in-high-school. He didn't have certain annoying habits like fucking assholes with assholes then.

4. What did you tell your parents when they found out you liked boys (i.e. Edward)?
I think they sort of suspected. I don't like to think I was very obvious, but I told them one day in passing and they sort of just shrugged and said "be home by twelve."

5. What's your favourite food?
Edward. But I wouldn't say no to truffles either. The chocolate kind, not the mushroom kind. Although I am worth it.

6. How would you like your relationship with Edward to progress?
I think, at this point, I would be happy that it just progresses. And maybe certain people can fall off the face of the earth, or something.

7. Who would you most like to mail a horse's head to?
Someone I definitely do not waste my time thinking about.

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2008-09-17 05:26 am UTC (link)
oh piers. you are worth it.

(spencer lol's.)

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