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a labor of love that didn't quite work out ([info]derkins) wrote,
@ 2008-09-16 14:39:00

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Entry tags:meme, q&a

ooh here it comes (waheey)

1. What do you think of _____________ ?

2. When did you last ____________ ?

3. __________ or ___________ and why?

4. What did you ______________ ?

5. What's your favorite ______________ ?

6. How would you ______________ ?

7. Who would you most like to ________ ?

undoubtedly, you'll all be real horrible with these, since i was so horrible with yours. XD; ohhhdearr.

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2008-09-16 06:26 am UTC (link)
1. What do you think of Remy insisting on keeping his crappy apartment?

2. When did you last eat something you swore you'd never try?

3. Straight porn or gay porn and why?

4. What did you do last night?

5. What's your favorite memory?

6. How would you suggest Remy proceed with his life (school/jobs, etc)?

7. Who would you most like to drop off the face of the planet?

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2008-09-17 05:29 am UTC (link)
1. What do you think of Remy insisting on keeping his crappy apartment?
I'm.. sure he has his reasons. Perhaps it has sentimental meaning to him. I'd never force him to give it up, of course. But.. there's nothing wrong with tempting him with other options.

2. When did you last eat something you swore you'd never try?
A few nights ago. Remy dared me to try this fried.. pork.. thing off a fairly shady street vendor and I swear to God I ate something like intestines. I don't think I've even fully finished digesting it, urgh.

3. Straight porn or gay porn and why?
...gay. Research.

4. What did you do last night?

5. What's your favorite memory?
Don't think me a sap.. but the first night I met Remy. Before the drinks, before even the sex. When he was playing the guitar, the piano. You should have seen him. He was like some sort of God up there.

6. How would you suggest Remy proceed with his life (school/jobs, etc)?
I don't think I would. Remy's been through so much already, he deserves to just be pampered for now. I'm working now to make sure he's set for the rest of his life.

7. Who would you most like to drop off the face of the planet?
Possibly all the men that ever wronged Remy, and all his customers that look/touch/violate him.

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