| a labor of love that didn't quite work out ( derkins) wrote, |
so wendy ends up being ~seduced~ by hook after all, and peter's crushed and who's there to help put him back together none other than his BFFEVER tink! peter's all OMG GIRLS SUCK ;___; and tink's like yes bb we do (ooh dirty joke) and peter's all you're the only one who's ever understood me and tink's like BOUT DAMN TIME YOU SAW IT.
anyway. knowing peter it takes forever before puberty finally fucking hits but thats okay because tink won and tink has him and she's the sweetest and most patient wife everr (mostly because peter agreed to marry her, so that calmed her down for a while).

they have a girl first. peter is devastated. her name is winnie because tink refused to name her after wendy so they reached some sort of compromise instead. winnie takes mostly after her mother, despite getting more of her father's babyface-like looks. she's fierce and honestly a bit of a bitch, but never to her parents.

they have another girl. peter is twice devastated. this one's name is pim, though no one's exactly sure why. there's still a bit of childishness to her looks but her personality is a pure blend of peter's penchant for fun and tink's sillyness. she's a bit of a tomboy, except she's still very aware of all her girlparts, thanks. of the two girls she's the most successful when it comes to boys-- but only because she befriends them all and prefers them to girls.
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