because sometimes i like to think i'm clever.
meme tiems!
againExplain the meanings for all of the usernames for all of the characters you roleplay.
Pierian SpringsStephen Crane / Cain Stephen : andable- cain. and abel. cain. andable. GET IT? GET IT?
Susan Glaspell : adifferentsame- ripped from her rather famous quote, "We all go through the same things-- it's all just a different kind of the same thing."
Shirley Jackson / Sheridan Jackson : raisingdemons- ripped from one of her book titles and... that's sorta what he's trying to do XD
Michel de Nostradamus / Mickey Ramos : somniloquiste- because cristal and i are CLEVER. she thought up casey's username first, "somnambuliste" from "somnambulist" which was the name of the bad guy in this play thing but then it also means 'sleep walking' so i just took the fancy name for 'sleep talking' and since the boys' visions happen while they're sleeping it makes perfect sense SHUT UP IT DOES D:
Eugene O'Neill : livebymending- ripped from his quote, "Man is born broken. He lives by mending. The grace of God is glue."
Sylvia Plath / Victor Lucas : plathora- so everyone knows sylvia's got a torrent, a plethora, if you will, of emotions. plethora, plath, plathora... so i like word puns, sue me. :P
Katherine Anne Porter / Callie May Porter : portersfield- like potter's field? because porter apparently had a fancy for death too. (are you sensing a theme yet, in my characters?)
Arthur Rimbaud / Jean Nicolas : votrenfer- "votre enfer" in french apparently means "your hell." ... you do the math. XD (psst, he's looking at you, maurice, bb~)
Sophocles / Sofronio Leandros : amidstragedy- a smashing of "amidst tragedy," because sophocles was such a drama whore. :/
Stage LeftQuinn Marcus / Brutus : butbyreflection- ripped from his quote, "No, Cassius, for the eye sees not itself / But by reflection, by some other thing."
Mark Escalus / Mercutio : roughwithlove- ripped from his quote, "If love be rough with you / Be rough with love."
Jude / Judas Iscariot : silvercoins- because Judas asked for thirty silver coins in exchange for giving up Jesus D:
Tess Piann / The Player : theplayah- not much to say about this, really... 'cept she's GANGSTA, YO.
Bella Tinker / Tinkerbell : bellapix- okay okay this is where i really geeked out. bellatrix + pixie = bellapix. YES I'M LAME, SORRY.
A Royal PainArt Stone / King Arthur : swordinstone- um... 'nuff said.
Hadrian Aiello / Emperor Hadrian : soulroamer- ripped from his poem (YES HE WROTE A POEM), "Little soul, roamer and charmer /Body's guest and companion / Who soon will depart to places / Darkish, chilly and misty / An end to all your jokes..."
Piers Gaveston : hisfavourite- because HE'S EDWARD'S FAVORITE, BITCH. (also, i threw in the 'u' to make micha happy :D)
Guy Gisbourne / Guy of Gisbourne : doingdirtywork- cuz that's how he do.
Sonny Miller / Much the Miller's Son : lacklustrous- because canonically, much is defined by his lacklustre appearance and abilities. but my much is so much more awesome, that i threw in 'lustrous' instead.
Robert Frost : frostbitn- okay alright i'll admit that's a little lame D:
Ollie Stephen / Orlando : boywhowill- ...cry wolf. GET IT? har har har :P
Abigail Williams : pleadnotguilty- because bitch's always trying to get out of shit :/
Alex Romanov / Alexei Romanov : imnobaby- his nickname was 'baby' and alex says NOTHX
Drusilla Caligula : divadru- no, not just because she's self-centered. when she died, her brother made her a diva, aka a deity, aka HAY LET'S WORSHIP MY SISTER WHOM I LOVED
too muchEdmund Grant / Edward the Confessor : confessin- confessing, confess sin, sin, yeah you get it.
Anne Boleyn : alittleneck- when she was sentenced to execution, the guy was all like O YEAH HEY YOUR HUSBAND GOT YOU A RLY GOOD HEADCUTTER and she's like O TEEHEE HOW NICE OF HIM AND ANYWAY I HAVE ONLY A LITTLE NECK SO HE CAN'T MISS TITTER TITTER. and yeah. man i love her.