| a labor of love that didn't quite work out ( derkins) wrote, |
ONE. hadrian has some serious road rage. to the point of rolling down his window just to flick off the old lady in the SUV who just cut him off.
TWO. hadrian's ocd can be traced back to his junior year in high school. as part of his anatomy class' curriculum, he had to dissect a baby pig. he showed up late that day the class got to choose their pigs, and he was stuck with the smelliest, ugliest one. when they cut up the gallbladder, his nerves made him cut straight through it, and this nasty black stuff squirted over his shirt. he washed it ten times and he swore he could still smell it.
THREE. his one ticklish spot is the area just above his knees. one good squeeze and the man is down.
FOUR. remy is his first gay experience. actually, you can say remy's his first gay anything. all his other relationships (all two of them :P) were with woman, and in between then he'd been so focused on his work he hadn't really had time to think about dating again.
FIVE. he's a pretty good dancer, both the classical and dirty kind. his mother enrolled him and his brothers in dance class back when they were younger, as a means of keeping them 'off the streets and dealing drugs' (oh moms &hearts). like his other two brothers, hadrian's all but abandoned that. he's never been one to be very flashy anyway, but the man can move.
NONE. he feels on top of the world now, but his lupus isn't going anywhere. sometimes, especially the times he's with remy, he forgets he's even sick at all. boy will he be in for a rude awakening. :P
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