1. Who are you?
Your worst nightmare. Bwahahaha. Nah, srsly. Liz.
2. Yay! How long have we been RPing together?
About six months, between GM and the games we've been playing recently!
3. What was your first impression about our RPs? (IE, were you nervous, intimidated, disappointed, impressed, amused, annoyed?)
Hmm. I was sorta intimidated in GM because your Draco was so so sooo good. And then I just got lame at PS and figured you would ask me to play but apparently we are both overly intimidated by asking the other to play! xD
4. First characters we played together?
Virginia and Dot, was it? I know it took forever because I SUCK SO HARDCORE OMG. I'm so sorry about that. I don't hate you. I think you are lovely and fantastic and I love your writing and characters. Forgive me for my lametasticness? <3
5. Most amusing scene from one of our RPs?
The one where Dot and Neil watched TV and ate snacks and drank wine. That was fun to write.
6. Most depressing?
Do we ever write anything particularly sad? I can't think of anything.
7. Sappiest/most romantic?
That time Susie and Hemingway went to dinner and kissed? Yeah.
8. Cutest couple from our RPs?
Susie/Hemingway. FTW.
9. Cutest friends?
Uhm. Do we have friend characters? Do Dot and Neil count? All that sex does not mean they're romantically involved, anyway...
10. What's your favorite character that I play/have played? Why?
Draco Malfoy. He was fantastic. I swear to God. That was some quality crack, man.
11. Least favorite? Why?
Perfectly honest? Rob. Not just because of Chace Crawford, either. And it's nothing to do with your writing, he's just sort of like, meh. Maybe it's just because the real Frost was a 'meh' sort of guy.
12. Something you'd like to RP/see happen in an RP with me at some point (no matter how random!)?
Uh, nothing particular, really. I just really can't frickin' wait to play Tink/Peter. OMFG.
13. Name a song that reminds you of one of our couples/one of my characters and why you chose it.
Hemingway keeps saying something about "Don't Stop Believing." I'm going to punch him.
14. Anything in particular that makes my style of RPing stand out from others'?
Your prose is very descriptive. It makes your writing interesting to read.
15. Anything I could improve on?
Nothing really comes to mind. :)
16. Character of mine you'd like to see more of?
Dude, what happened to Virginia? I miss her.
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