Morgaine did not like being called when she was about to go out on a job. She had to catch a flight to go to Gotham City in a five hours. She did not have time for this now.
She especially did not like it when it was her brother, Damien, the head of League of Assassins that was the one calling her. If it were anyone else, she could shrug them off. Say that she didn't have time for it. But her brother, her superior AND the Demon's Head? No such luck.
Morgaine entered her brother's private quarters, not even making an attempt to hide obviously annoyed expression on her face.
"You wanted to see me, sir?" As was customary, she bowed in the presence of the Demon's Head.
That, and his bodyguards were present. Not bowing was a good way for her to lose her head. As much as she detested her brother, she had no desire to end her life right there and then.
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