Morgaine King/ Morgan Head's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Morgaine King/ Morgan Head

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Flashback: Age 17 [04 Aug 2012|01:00am]
Slade and Shado are both on jobs. Robert had just returned from one. Morgaine, being younger,hasn't gotten Slade's approval to go out on her own in the field, yet, though she plans to, someday.

Right now she was patching up Robert's wounds. She was strangely quiet with him. They had been raised together, but lately, she'd felt her feelings towards him deepening. And while there was a part of her that wondered if he felt the same, she kept it to herself, though she was normally open with him.

"You need to be more careful," she says, as she sews up his cuts.
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[ viewing | August 4th, 2012 ]
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