He liked that she worried about him, but lately, she'd been more vocal about it. Robert knew that Morgan didn't fear anything, so his curiosity piqued at her alarm over his condition.
He hissed slightly as she ran the needle through his skin.
"Next time, I'll make sure to kill the guys in the back first. It was my own fault. But I made it out. No need to worry." he says, looking up at her.
He remembers the day that Slade brought her home. He'd loved her like a sister, back then, but over time something...changed. They grew up and Morgan's natural beauty showed itself. Robert often daydreamed of being with her on missions and then...after them, but those thoughts always vanished in the cold light of reality. It could not happen.
Besides, as much as Robert cared for her he knew he wasn't the right man for her. She deserved someone who didn't have blood on his hands. Someone wholly unlike him.
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