Morgaine King/ Morgan Head's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Morgaine King/ Morgan Head

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[30 Aug 2017|07:34pm]
Morgaine King never meant to fall in love. Love was something that she'd been told from a young age,that she would never have. No one was supposed to love her, and she wasn't supposed to love anyone. She was only supposed to be a weapon. And truth be told, she had no idea when she started to fall in love with Robert Queen. Perhaps it was that fateful night on the bridge when she tried to kill him,maybe it was when he saved her life. Either way, even when she wasn't trying to kill him, she felt herself drawn to him in a way she couldn't explain.

She remembered the first time they made love. Morgaine had been with men before, but something about this was different. It wasn't even the first time they had sex. The first time her and Robert had sex, there was nothing but anger and the thrill of escaping from certain death fueling their actions. No, the first time they made love, actually made love, was different. It was slow,passionate,and nothing like Morgaine had ever felt before. Robert held her for hours after, stroking her hair, and talking until they fell asleep. Morgaine fell asleep in his arms, feeling safe for the first time in her life.

The next morning, he asked her to run away with him. That was when she got scared. Sooner or later, he would realize that she was nothing but bad news, and get rid of her. When he told her that he was falling in love with her,she ran. Yes, a part of her that was falling in love with him, too, but she was weapon, and weapons didn't get to fall in love.

Morgaine and Robert would cross paths several times after that. They would share a bed, but Morgaine made certain that they never made love again. Only rough, hard, empty sex that left them both sated, but still didn't fill the hole in her heart. She couldn't let him in, even as much as she loved him. They would only end up miserable.

The last time she would ever lie with Robert, he left her pregnant. At first, Morgaine didn't know what to do. She knew she should get rid of it. But something kept her from getting rid of the life growing inside of her. Still, she couldn't tell anyone,not even her brother. Morgaine retreated to a village in the Cambodian jungle that not even her brother knew about. Here, in this village that she had liberated from a warlord, she would find what she should do next.

To say her pregnancy was easy would be a lie. The nine months were an absolute hell. Carrying a human being inside of her was something that she never wanted to do again. And all the pain that her grandfather put her through during her childhood couldn't compare to the pain of giving birth. No, that was the worst pain imaginable. Morgaine cried for her mother, Damien, Robert, even her father to was the pain. She'd been close to death many times, and in that moment, she was certain she would die.

But then, The village midwife told her that it was a girl. She cleaned and swaddled the infant, and passed her into her mother's arms. When she held her daughter for the first time, Morgaine felt was love truly was. Everything about this little life that she'd brought into the world was perfect. She was so small, fragile, and for the first time, something that was truly hers. Morgaine counted each little finger and toe, ran her fingers through her dark hair, kissed her little face a dozen or more times. It was like she was staring at a tiny mirror of herself. Except her eyes. Her daughter had Robert's eyes.

She called her Kalila,which meant beloved, and that was what her daughter was to her. Beloved, precious, and whole. She was perfect. For a month she stayed in the village, recovering and just being with her daughter.

But soon, she had to start looking at the bigger picture. Where would they go? If she took her back to the League, would she be expected to train Kalila to get the perfect little weapon, like she was? What kind of life was that to give a child? And Morgaine knew she couldn't stay away forever. Her brother still needed her. To leave him would be selfish.

As much as it pained her, Morgaine knew what she had to do. She had to get Kalila to Robert. He would give her the life that she would be unable to give. As much as she loved her daughter, she wouldn't be able to be her mother in a way that her little girl deserved. She booked passage on a ship to Star City, knowing that it would give her a little extra time to spend with her daughter.

When she arrived at Star City, hunting down Robert wasn't very difficult. He was a her now, and had the relationship with his family that he always wanted. She knew he was a good man, and would take care of their daughter. It was late when she banged on his door. Pretending that she didn't care about her daughter was the hardest thing Morgaine ever did. Lying to Robert proved to be almost impossible, he knew her that well. But she did it. She pretended like she didn't want Kalila, and didn't even tell Robert her name. He tired to begher to stay, and she almost did.

"You and I both know that I am not suited for this, Robert Queen. The child will be better with you. Goodbye."

As soon as she was far enough away, Morgaine allowed herself to cry. She felt like her heart had been ripped from her chest, leaving a hole that could never be filled.

Shortly after, she returned to the League. Damien didn't question where his sister went,and didn't press it, but he did notice that Morgaine never smiled anymore.
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Flashback: Age 17 [04 Aug 2012|01:00am]
Slade and Shado are both on jobs. Robert had just returned from one. Morgaine, being younger,hasn't gotten Slade's approval to go out on her own in the field, yet, though she plans to, someday.

Right now she was patching up Robert's wounds. She was strangely quiet with him. They had been raised together, but lately, she'd felt her feelings towards him deepening. And while there was a part of her that wondered if he felt the same, she kept it to herself, though she was normally open with him.

"You need to be more careful," she says, as she sews up his cuts.
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League of Assassins NPCs [19 Sep 2010|10:59pm]
League of Assassins NPCs )
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[21 Apr 2010|01:21am]
Morgaine did not like being called when she was about to go out on a job. She had to catch a flight to go to Gotham City in a five hours. She did not have time for this now.

She especially did not like it when it was her brother, Damien, the head of League of Assassins that was the one calling her. If it were anyone else, she could shrug them off. Say that she didn't have time for it. But her brother, her superior AND the Demon's Head? No such luck.

Morgaine entered her brother's private quarters, not even making an attempt to hide obviously annoyed expression on her face.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" As was customary, she bowed in the presence of the Demon's Head.

That, and his bodyguards were present. Not bowing was a good way for her to lose her head. As much as she detested her brother, she had no desire to end her life right there and then.
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[19 Apr 2010|12:37pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie
Email: on file
AIM (if you have one): on file
Character Name: Morgaine King, alias Morgan Head
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]demonchild
Physical description (face, build, weight): 5'8", lithe build, long dark brown hair, blue eyes.
Age: 20
Birthday: December 23rd
Codename (if using one): None used currently
PB: Megan Fox
Abilities: Morgaine is an assassin. Since the age of three, Morgaine was trained alongside her brother to one day join the League of Assassins. Through her drive and determination, she has become one of the most deadly assassins on the planet. Morgaine is a master of martial arts, hand to hand combat, stealth, espionage, and has had extensive weapons training, ranging from sword training to archery. She has a knowledge of poisons and keeps a set of various ones and their respective antidotes on her at all times.
Weaknesses and flaws: Extensive training or not, Morgaine is still a normal human being. She is not impossible to beat. Though she is also incredibly skilled, it is possible for someone with more training and experience to beat her, though she could more than likely still be able to hold her own.
Character location/Home: Mobile.
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Villain
Team: League of Assassins.
Relatives (living/dead?): Arthur King/Meryln (father, deceased), Talia al Ghul (mother, living), Damian al Ghul (half-brother, living), Ra's al Ghul (grandfather, deceased), Nyssa Raatko (aunt, deceased)
Morgaine was never supposed to be born. The daughter of a night of passion between Talia al Ghul and the assassin known as Merlyn, Morgaine was conceived, and a shock to both of her parents- and a disappointment to her grandfather, Ra's, who had not known about Talia's tryst with Merlyn until after Talia discovered that she was pregnant with her second child.

Unlike Talia's son, Damian, who had been conceived solely so that there would be an heir to train for the position of the Demon's Head, Morgaine had no place in the League of Assassins. Her father didn't want her. Her grandfather despised her. Talia, why she was colder to Morgaine than she was to her son, was the only one it seemed, that cared enough for the child, and petitioned Ra's that he let the girl train alongside Damian. From the moment that she began her training, all of her teachers made it clear that Morgaine was not going to be the Demon's Head, and the only reason that she was there was because Talia took pity on her daughter. The only teacher, it seemed, that even appeared to tolerate Morgaine was the original Lady Shiva, Sandra Woosan. For a time, it was thought that Shiva was training Morgaine to be come her successor. This all changed, however when Shiva was killed unexpectedly, and her daughter, Cassandra Cain, stepped in to claim her daughter's title. Distraught over that she had once again been denied something, Morgaine began to throw herself into training to take over her father's title, Merlyn.

When she was sixteen, Morgaine completed the nesacary trials to join the League of Assassins. She did not, take a title upon joining, as she was still planning on challenging her father for the title of Merlyn. This changed when several years later, her father was killed by Robert Queen, and Robert took up her father's mantle. Angry and bitter over once again being denied something, Morgaine began to plot and train to challenge Cassandra Cain for the title of Lady Shiva. A plan that she fully intends to execute.

Morgaine's relationship with her brother, Damian is a strained one. While he cares for her, she looks on him with mostly resentment. Though he is the leader of the League of Assassins, he has a harder time controlling his sister than he does most of the other members, as she will question his orders constantly. It is only the fact that he is the Demon's Head, and can have her executed, should he choose, that keeps her from getting too out of line.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Coming to Gotham on a contract.
What are you planning to do with this character?: She is going to act as a villain for various heroes and teams.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: At some point, Morgaine will assume the mantel of Lady Shiva. For now, though, she is just going to be an assassin for hire and make the heroes lives difficult.

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