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Marvel Avengers Alliance Concept [31 Jan 2013|02:47am]
Mike Blood

Dark Side Contained- Goes into darkness unleashed mode when stamina is low
Darkness Unleashed- Goes into Dark Side Contained when stamina is high. Deals damage to random ally at start of each turn.
Healing Factor- Gains health each turn


Dark Side Contained
L1- Brawling- Single target unarmed melee attack.

L2- Telepathic Pulse- Targets all opponents with psychic ranged attack. Bypasses most avoidance effects. Causes migraine.

L6- Magic Blast- Single target magic energy ranged attacks. Causes Bane.

L9- Mental Domination- Single target psychic ranged attack. Bypasses most avoidance effects. Causes Mind Control.

Darkness Unleashed
L1- Demon Claws- Single target magic unarmed melee attack. Causes bleeding.

L2- Breath Hellfire- Targets all opponents with fire energy ranged attack. Causes soulfire.

L6- Magical Curse- Single target magic energy ranged attack. Causes dark void.

L9- Unleash Chaos- Targets all opponents with magic energy ranged attack. Catastophic Attack. Deadly crits. 30% chance to stun.
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