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demon_of_music ([info]demon_of_music) wrote,
@ 2011-05-31 01:56:00

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Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
Email: mbeck46@cox.net
AIM (if you have one):

Character Name: Murmur
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight):

Age: stopped counting but well over two thousand years
PB: (If using one.)

Abilities: Murmur has the powers of an upper level black-eyed demon such as Meg though with a little bit more power having once been of a much higher rank in hell hierarchy.
Murmur’s main trick is he has great skill with contacting the dead to get information out of them.
Murmur is highly knowledgeable about a lot of things and knows many secrets of hell, earth, heaven and some places beyond. No one knows exactly how much he really knows and that’s the way he likes it.

Weaknesses and flaws: Murmur is a survivalist. While this is not so much a weakness it does mean that he thinks he can’t win he’ll quickly retreat or try to make a deal to save his own skin as such he is not known to be very loyal.

Murmur is not very well respected in hell though his knowledge does afford him a degree of respect.

Character location/Home: Mobil/ Has several nice safe houses throughout the world

Alignment (villain, hero etc): not nice
Relatives (living/dead?): Hopes They Are Rotting In Hell

Backstory: Murmur was in his mortal life an occultist in ancient Greece. He would prey upon the suffering of others selling them fake magical trinkets even though he processed the actual knowledge to make them. Some people were not to happy about this and tried to kill him. Murmur not being a big fan of dying decided to make a deal when approached.

When Murmur finally did die and go to hell it took him less than two seconds to agree to become a demon. He was able to raise surprisingly quick through the ranks eventually becoming a white-eyed demon. But he had made many enemies during his raise and with the other high powered demons.

Eventually they turned on him causing him to lose a lot of power. Something Murmur is still very

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