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Time:12:19 pm
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Time:2009-05-13 02:14 pm (UTC)
Who the fuck are you?
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Subject:[Private to Alena]
Time:2009-05-13 02:23 pm (UTC)
Leave it at that.
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Subject:[Private to Leon]
Time:2009-05-13 02:28 pm (UTC)
Oh, great. Haven't talked to you in awhile.

No, I'm not going to leave whatever this is alone. I'm not stupid and I know full & well just who you've got ties to. And just what you can do.

Something you're trying to cover up here? A murder perhaps?
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Subject:[Private to Alena]
Time:2009-05-13 02:34 pm (UTC)
No, she's just insane. Like actually clinically. Everything about her is fragmented and not right.
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Subject:[Private to Leon]
Time:2009-05-13 02:36 pm (UTC)
I picked that up fairly early in the conversation, but it appears that she might be more in tune with things than you'd like to think. Or would like me to think. Which one it is, I'm not exactly sure.
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Subject:[Private to Alena]
Time:2009-05-13 02:39 pm (UTC)
She talks to corpses at the morgue Alena. Where the fuck do you think she got that name from?
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Subject:[Private to Leon]
Time:2009-05-13 02:44 pm (UTC)
My premonition?

I don't know. Even if she is just some whack-o, something about this isn't right.

You and yours might want to watch out; somebody's not too happy with the lot of us existing. On second thought, why not tell your little murdering douchefuck team to start using their powers in public? Do us all a favour.
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Subject:[Private to Alena]
Time:2009-05-13 05:27 pm (UTC)
Dunno if you heard about the natural gas leak a few weeks back. That was her house that got destroyed. I'll let you put two and two together there.

So I hear. I'm sorry, for what it's worth.
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Subject:[Private to Leon]
Time:2009-05-13 10:46 pm (UTC)
That was her? Wtf? Isn't there a single person in this damned town that doesn't have powers!?

You've heard? Just how much have you heard? And thanks, or something.

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Subject:[Private to Alena]
Time:2009-05-14 01:20 pm (UTC)
Probably not, though I'm not sure any of the rest of her family have them. Just the crazy one.

I heard that it wasn't an accident, and so I'm looking into it. Once I have some information, I'll happily share it.
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Subject:[Private to Leon]
Time:2009-05-14 01:25 pm (UTC)
Yeah, she's sure as hell fucking crazy.

Of course it wasn't a god damn accident. Nothing in this fucking town is an accident, or a coincidence. Some information? Like the fact that she's fucking channeling Sam Riddick's spirit? What the fucking fuck is going on!?
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Subject:[Private to Alena]
Time:2009-05-14 01:29 pm (UTC)
She's what? Fucking hell, it gets better every day.

So far as I can tell...from what Cassie has said, and the glimpses of what she remembers, she's absorbing something from people as they die. The explosion was her getting a tiny bit overwhelmed. I have no clue about her channelling spirits of any kind.
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Subject:[Private to Leon]
Time:2009-05-14 01:36 pm (UTC)
Better? Hah.

So she's some sort of pranic empath that absorbs souls? T...f... And then she makes shit explode? What the fuck ever just happened to telepathy, and bone manipulation and all of that good UNWEIRDASFUCK shit?

Well, yeah. She is. There is no way she could have known that shit about Sam by herself.
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Time:2009-05-13 02:24 pm (UTC)
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Time:2009-05-13 02:30 pm (UTC)
Nice to meet you or something. The name's Alena.

You said something about Sam. Sam who?
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Time:2009-05-13 06:05 pm (UTC)
We're not meeting. This is the internet.

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Time:2009-05-13 10:27 pm (UTC)

[Private to Aurora]
You could have picked up that name from any newspaper recently. But if you had, you'd know that you couldn't talk to Sam Riddick, because he's dead.

Cute trick. It's still not funny at all.
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Subject:[Private to Alena]
Time:2009-05-14 10:30 am (UTC)
He said it didn't hurt. Too quick. Too quick.
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Subject:[Private to Aurora]
Time:2009-05-14 10:35 am (UTC)
Stop. Just stop it.

Sam's dead, and as much merit as I like to put into stuff like wandering spirits... I really doubt he would have gone to some crazy bitch you if he was looking to communicate from the other side.

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Subject:[Private to Alena]
Time:2009-05-14 12:01 pm (UTC)
It was his neck, see. Snapped from the impact. Severed spinal cord. Died instantly. No pain. Not any more. Didn't even feel the skin char broiling.

He is. He's still in the locker. It's lonely in there.
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Subject:[Private to Aurora]
Time:2009-05-14 12:23 pm (UTC)
Why are you doing this? Srsly?

There are a lot of people grieving over his death, and here you are making light of it.
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Subject:[Private to Alena]
Time:2009-05-14 12:30 pm (UTC)
s r s l y f y z e

I can't make light. That comes from the day. Or bulbs. He's given me so much.
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Subject:[Private to Aurora]
Time:2009-05-14 12:32 pm (UTC)
Who's given you so much what?

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Subject:[Private to Alena]
Time:2009-05-14 12:34 pm (UTC)
He gave me a tingling, but now it's just heavy. You should go away now. You don't tingle.
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Subject:[Private to Aurora]
Time:2009-05-14 12:37 pm (UTC)
Gladly. You fucking crazy ass shitcocking bitchfucker.

Protip: It wouldn't be advisable to try that out that little joke of yours on anyone else.

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