[icon] Aurora Gellar -
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Time:12:19 pm
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Subject:[Private to Alena]
Time:2009-05-14 01:55 pm (UTC)
Okay, just in case you didn't get this the first time around...she's insane. She's insane and talks to corpses...and until now I didn't realise they were talking back, granted. But even that could be just her insanity talking.

It's not like she doesn't have access to autopsy results, or like she doesn't hang out alone with dead bodies at three in the morning. I've seen the security footage of her sat talking to them. It's all just very weird.
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Subject:[Private to Leon]
Time:2009-05-14 02:05 pm (UTC)
No. No, I got that part.

Leon, there is no way she could have just randomly known the shit she spouted off at me. God, FNA! This is so fucked up! Once people are dead, they are supposed to stay dead and not talk to lunatics!

I gotta go, because I can't deal with this shit because my boyfriend's getting up. Oh, by the way- tell those two fuckers to die in a fire.
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Subject:[Private to Alena]
Time:2009-05-14 02:11 pm (UTC)
Okay, well I'll leave it assuming she said more.

You look after yourself. I'll relay your message.
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[icon] Aurora Gellar -
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